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Where do you hail from?
(12-07-2020, 08:16 PM)ronin Wrote: Cool. I just created an account over at Y'all even had `ronin` available!

Great!  Your account has been credited.

You'll probably want to visit your Account Management page and verify your email address and select email notification options.
(12-07-2020, 04:25 AM)ronin Wrote: Hi! I'm Mike. Originally from Iowa; currently in the suburbs of Denver.

I haven't played any PBM games yet. Long, long history of RPGs and turn-based games like Star Fleet Battles. I stumbled across a mention of Empyrean Challenge while doing some research on naval table-top games and it just hooked into my imagination somehow. I'm interested in space/interstellar games. I've seen a bit on here about SuperNova and some others. 

Good to meet y'all,

Welcome to the addiction!
(12-07-2020, 05:01 PM)ixnay Wrote: Also, if you’re up for a competitive one on one, we could take Davin’s Galactac out for a spin and stream updates to this forum...

I am up for that. I've set up the account and can start as soon as next week. Let me know when you're ready.
Okay let’s do this. Anyone else want to join in? I’ll finish my reread of the rules and try some stuff on my solo sandbox between now and then.

And I’ll work up a character, for role playing it. (Heh heh)
(12-09-2020, 09:21 PM)ixnay Wrote: Okay let’s do this. Anyone else want to join in? I’ll finish my reread of the rules and try some stuff on my solo sandbox between now and then.

And I’ll work up a character, for role playing it. (Heh heh)

You may set up your own game parameters on the web site and let anyone join who wants to. If you're expecting only a few players, there will be fewer stars and they'll be further apart, so you ships will need more star drives than in a standard game. Or, you may ask to have extra stars so the galaxy is a bit denser, but then your economies will end up generating lots of extra spending cash before you bump into one another so you'll each have plenty of warships to make the combats bloodier without so much contention for resources.

Your choice.
(12-09-2020, 09:21 PM)ixnay Wrote: And I’ll work up a character, for role playing it. (Heh heh)

FYI - one of the more memorable races from the old days of Galac-Tac was a humanoid race descended from large felines. Once, the captain got his tail caught in the automatic sliding doors that closed too soon. The next turn he had a new chief engineer and the old one was seriously regretting his maintenance policies, day after day.
(12-09-2020, 09:21 PM)ixnay Wrote: Okay let’s do this. Anyone else want to join in? I’ll finish my reread of the rules and try some stuff on my solo sandbox between now and then.

Why don't you open up a new thread over in the Galac-Tac subforum to provide a place for your challenges, threats, and discussions?
How are we doing this? New game start? What needs to happen? Can we shrink down the galaxy size for a 2-player game? Or do we want a mega-slugfest with 2 giant empires? I can go either way - I just want to start!
(12-14-2020, 05:13 PM)ixnay Wrote: How are we doing this? New game start? What needs to happen? Can we shrink down the galaxy size for a 2-player game? Or do we want a mega-slugfest with 2 giant empires? I can go either way - I just want to start!

You get to create your own game, setting the parameters however you like. The size of the galaxy doesn't change, but the number of stars in it will be reduced to better accommodate the number of players. Of course, that means the stars will be further apart unless you ask for a denser galaxy than normal (which gives you more total stars).

Don't forget to set the time between turns that you can both agree on.

You may begin any time you wish.
I suggest we do a normal size galaxy and see what happens. Any other lurkers want in?

I will set up a game later tonight and post info here. All are welcome. All will be vanquished. ?

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