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Where do you hail from?
(08-28-2019, 07:16 PM)Undeadlord Wrote:
(08-11-2019, 03:44 PM)Rinzai Wrote: Hello, everyone! My name is Raven Zachary and I live in Portland, Oregon, USA. I was born and raised in a small town in Iowa.

I am currently playing:

* Middle-earth
* SuperNova (don't let the website scare you aware, it's a fantastic game)
* TribeNet
* A New Dawn

SuperNova, TribeNet, and A New Dawn are are all open-ended, civilization building type games. Middle-earth is team-based and has victory conditions. Most games of Middle-earth end in 20-30 turns.

All four of the games listed above have the traditional two-week turnaround schedule.

Hey sir, just a question for you.

I was looking over the SuperNova site, but I wasn't sure it was worth it, $10.00 setup, and $6.00 every turn (every 2 weeks). You play it, so I would guess you think its worth it, but I was wondering what you would say to someone on the fence? What makes it worth the money?

Hi there. I love the game, but it's not for everyone. It's a lot of data, and I have a bunch of spreadsheets to track planets, fleets, technology, colonies, etc. To get a flavor of what the game is like, check out the Player Aid and the Wiki I created for SuperNova:

SuperNova Player Aid

New Jersey!
Well South Jersey, so a suburb of Philadelphia. Big Grin
Nobody ever catches Nuth.
Unseen Servant PbP gaming
Southern New Jersey! USA.
Yes and I am actually within Southern NJ, not Philly! Angel

Long live Midgard, and it's many versions. It is standing up once again under Davin Church with it's on forum here and now. Always looking for a few players to join the game or rejoin from the past.

Always makes me think of Midgard and the Cymru faction of Kalmar
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music
Good to see South Jersey folks around!!
Nobody ever catches Nuth.
Unseen Servant PbP gaming
Long time PBM/PBEM player from the UK

Started with Earthwood in the 80's and have being going strong from there ! Last year was probably my only year I had no games played.

Seems plenty of activity with Midgard (which I use to play long time ago)
Earthwood was a for realz play-by-mail RPG right? Cool. Love to hear about that!
Nobody ever catches Nuth.
Unseen Servant PbP gaming
Earthwood was more of a wargame PBM game. Started off with either a starting castle or as a wandering tribe. You could then try and take over castles or ally with NPC armies.
Very hazy as it was a long time ago. Wish some-one still had some maps or the names of the races. I seem to remember there was "The Necromancer" and "The Sorcerer" were two of the wandering tribes.

It was very enjoyable !
Sounds really interesting, thank you for sharing!
Nobody ever catches Nuth.
Unseen Servant PbP gaming
Hi! I'm Mike. Originally from Iowa; currently in the suburbs of Denver.

I haven't played any PBM games yet. Long, long history of RPGs and turn-based games like Star Fleet Battles. I stumbled across a mention of Empyrean Challenge while doing some research on naval table-top games and it just hooked into my imagination somehow. I'm interested in space/interstellar games. I've seen a bit on here about SuperNova and some others. 

Good to meet y'all,
Welcome Mike/ronin!

I run a game called Galac-Tac that's a space-oriented game, but it might not be the style you're looking for. It's a 4X type of game with limited players and a limited time span to win or lose.

There are some PBM games still around that take place in space, but remember that PBM games typically have long gaps of time between turns - they don't run one turn immediately after another like you might be used to with other styles of games.

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