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Input Program
Update to the Input page. I tried to make the spreadsheet import function a little more stable and less error prone. So the following changes have been implemented.

First and foremost the first three lines of the import still have to be player id, 1st line, Player name, 2nd line, turn number 3rd line. All have to be in the first column. Extra columns in each row are now ignored.

Second the import now ignores headers AFTER THE FIRST THREE LINES meaning that you don't have to remove the headers before you import the sheet. So headers that you use in your sheet for ease of readability and making sure you get the right numbers in the right columns can be exported with the sheet.

Third the import now looks at each ACTION NUMBER and sends it to the appropriate line number on the sheet. So for instance if you happen to have actions out of order on your sheet they will be imported in Action Number order. However word of caution. Duplicate numbers will be a problem. If you have two action 10's for instance for some reason only the last one will be imported. The first one will be overwritten by the second one. Sorry until I get some time to check for duplicates before the import you'll have to make sure you don't have duplicates in your sheet.

Fourth the import now ignores blank lines no matter where they occur in the sheet.

Fifth the import now ignores extra columns or missing columns at the end of all lines. So you could have 20 extra columns on one line or just have 2 or 3 columns total on a line.

Sixth you'll notice a button that now has some ship builds in it. Work in progress but thought you'd like to see what's coming up.
On ship build list, it would be ok to have tech level 10 ships that are race restrictive. If we are not that type of race, we can't build that type of ship anyway.
If you have a person's current tech level on the turn sheet, when you load the turn you can show what build codes they can use...
(07-23-2014, 04:07 PM)Tregonsee Wrote: If you have a person's current tech level on the turn sheet, when you load the turn you can show what build codes they can use...

Thanks. Good idea. I am working on a function where the ship builds are loaded from the turn sheet and automatically put in a file for the player for reference on later turns. I'd like to put them in a data base but have found that players internet connection is not the best as I had a particularly bad time with the action codes. Not going to repeat that again. But I'll get it.
I started working on next weeks turn and after 45 minutes the input sheet blanked. (Yes, I should have periodically saved...)

Also still having random issues with the input program failing on a save. You have to pay attention or you won't notice that it failed and you'll think that your data is safe.

I'm using IE11

(08-02-2014, 08:50 AM)Rocketeer Wrote: I started working on next weeks turn and after 45 minutes the input sheet blanked. (Yes, I should have periodically saved...)

Also still having random issues with the input program failing on a save. You have to pay attention or you won't notice that it failed and you'll think that your data is safe.

I'm using IE11


I'll give a run through on IE11. I haven't had any problems with saves on any browser but that doesn't mean there isn't one. As for the page blanking, no idea. So by blanking do you mean all boxes were emptied suddenly?
(08-02-2014, 08:50 AM)Rocketeer Wrote: I started working on next weeks turn and after 45 minutes the input sheet blanked. (Yes, I should have periodically saved...)

Also still having random issues with the input program failing on a save. You have to pay attention or you won't notice that it failed and you'll think that your data is safe.

I'm using IE11


be very careful of the backspace key. It will erase everything as I have found out.
(08-03-2014, 07:02 PM)Nicademus Wrote: be very careful of the backspace key. It will erase everything as I have found out.

Yes Browsers use the backspace key to go back one page in their current page history, something left over from Microsoft's first Windows Explorer and then put into the first IE years ago to mimic Windows Explorer using the backspace to go up one directory as back on page in IE. If you want to make minimize the backspace key causing a problem either open a new browser window or open a new tab. Then type in the address of the input page or use a bookmark. Now the browser won't have any previously opened page so hitting backspace key will do nothing except erase text in a box for the most part. Alternately you can use Chrome and download an extension to Chrome called Backstop. That will prevent the backspace key from going back one page on Chrome, thus problem of wiping out your turn with an errant backspace eliminated.
Could you make it so we can delete several lines at once? Something like putting a checkmark in a box by the line and then clicking delete. This will help a lot when you load last turn to make this turn, but you only want to do about half the things you did last turn...
(09-07-2014, 04:58 PM)Tregonsee Wrote: Could you make it so we can delete several lines at once? Something like putting a checkmark in a box by the line and then clicking delete. This will help a lot when you load last turn to make this turn, but you only want to do about half the things you did last turn...


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