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Input Program
For all those playing the game the Input Program web link should have been given to you with your setup. As I had to scramble to write a modern version it inevitably does not measure up to the old one. However that one was written in 1997-98 and Microsoft decided not to support 16bit programs when they moved to 64bit. If you have questions please ask them here. As a quick start here are few pointers. I'll put a help button on the screen when I get some time in the next few days with full instructions or at least instructions.

Buttons at the top:

Action Codes. Clicking on this button gives you all the action codes with examples on how to fill them out.

Load Turn Results:

First click on the browse button to it's immediate left and choose your last turn results file sent to you by Takamo. Then Click on this button to load your last turn. Additionally you can then click on the following links.

Show Turn Results:

Click on this button to read you last turn results file.

Planet List:

Click on this to show all the planets you own.

Fleet List:

Click on this to show all your fleets and there locations.

Load Turn:

First click on the browse button to the immediate left and choose a file you saved previously. Then click on this button. Your current work will be cleared from the form and the turn you selected will be loaded into the form.

Save Turn:

Click on this to save your turn so you can email it to Takamo. You should keep the file name as is. Changing the extension to something other than TAK will cause a little issue as Takamo looks for files with that extension so it can run your turn. Also do not name it with a TXT extension as some email programs embed those files in the body of the message and it cannot be read by the Takamo program.

Some helpful hints.

Use the tab key to move from field to field. I tried to block out the Return key and Backspace key but web browsers will respond to those commands in their own way if you're not careful. For instance hitting backspace will take you to your previous web page you might have been browsing. To avoid this always open a new browser window and type in the web address for the input program or select it from a bookmark. Backspace will then not delete all the work you've done.

The action code box has a search function built into it. If you start typing a number it will bring up all numbers that start with it. For instance 2 will bring up 2, 20, 21, 22, etc. You should select the action you want with the mouse or up and down arrow keys and then tab to select the one you want. If you type in a word it will bring up all action codes that have that word in it. Really helpful to find an action code when you don't remember the number. For instance if you wanted to install a Fort type in the word Fort and you'll find action code 13 is the action code for installing Forts on a world from a fleet. Not to be confused with building them on the world which is a build code.

I will have further help for build codes both for planetary builds and ship builds as well as soon as I get time.

Things of note. Please fill in the top of the form with your player ID so Takamo knows who is running the turns. The Empire Name and Turn Number field is for your own use but also helps the moderator identify players and to make sure turn numbers line up. Your last turn number is always in the top header of the Turn Results.

And last but not least save your turn routinely when filling it out. It won't hurt anything and prevents the loss of your entire turn if something crashes or you inadvertently close your browser or whatever.
Several players are having trouble with the web based version of the input program so I'm putting up a generic page without all the advanced features. That should speed it up on some systems and especially some browsers as it appears they are not capable of displaying some of the code properly. There will be a link at the top of the current page called Input Lite or something like that. It will take you to another page. Only functions it will have is the Load and Save buttons. Plus several people seem to like to write notes at the end of their actions so I'll provide a box for that if time permits. May just put up the generic page as soon as I can first and add that later. Anyway hope that helps. Then I can take the time to figure out how to make the regular page work properly. It would also be helpful if people would respond here with the Computer, Operating System and Browser they are using and whether they are having issues with the web page. For instance: PC - Windows 7 Home (32 bit or 64 bit helpful) - Internet Explorer 10. Works okay but a little slow. Thanks much.
I found that using excel to write the turns is so much easier and then just importing it to the web based input program. Mostly due to the cursor jumping from field to field, the backspace key and a few other things. I write my turn differently than the input program wants you to do it and it is hard for me to adapt without messing stuff up. Just my opinion
New version of the Input program is posted, Input Lite. Has no bells or whistles but gets the job done. Will add a notes field after the spec # as I've had requests for that. But this should solve most issues.

Link is at the top of the Input page.
Notes field added to the Input Lite web page! Will refit the main page with a notes column in the near future as well.
(04-21-2014, 08:09 PM)Nicademus Wrote: I found that using excel to write the turns is so much easier and then just importing it to the web based input program. Mostly due to the cursor jumping from field to field, the backspace key and a few other things. I write my turn differently than the input program wants you to do it and it is hard for me to adapt without messing stuff up. Just my opinion

I also had to fight the input program as I add my data in a non-linear fashion. What format are you saving your data in?

Distance calculator added to the input page. Green button. Type in your overall tec level, not the fleet as that doesn't matter, the location you're fleet is currently at and the destination you want the fleet to jump. The result will tell you the percentage chance of making the jump. 100% is always safe, the rest is up to you to figure if you want to take the risk of the fleet suffering damage or destruction. If it says you have almost no chance of making the jump that's pretty much what it means.
(05-13-2014, 12:10 AM)Rocketeer Wrote:
(04-21-2014, 08:09 PM)Nicademus Wrote: I found that using excel to write the turns is so much easier and then just importing it to the web based input program. Mostly due to the cursor jumping from field to field, the backspace key and a few other things. I write my turn differently than the input program wants you to do it and it is hard for me to adapt without messing stuff up. Just my opinion

I also had to fight the input program as I add my data in a non-linear fashion. What format are you saving your data in?

OK I write my turn in excel...which give me the ability to load all the scans/probes/and other stuff and move it around if need be. I then copy paste it to a word document which I keep and then I load it to the input program and save it to my download file which I then email it to randy for processing. May be a few steps but its a lot easier for me as the input program does not like anything I try to do with it. I am unconventional in how I make my turns also. I have seen the way others track information and I am not saying what they do is harder it is just easier for me the way I do it. I can share the files if anyone wants them.

(05-13-2014, 04:26 PM)Takamo44 Wrote: Distance calculator added to the input page. Green button. Type in your overall tec level, not the fleet as that doesn't matter, the location you're fleet is currently at and the destination you want the fleet to jump. The result will tell you the percentage chance of making the jump. 100% is always safe, the rest is up to you to figure if you want to take the risk of the fleet suffering damage or destruction. If it says you have almost no chance of making the jump that's pretty much what it means.
I wrote a distance calc in doesn't give me the % to pass but the distance from one location to the other and then I just look at the table. I am working on a flight path creator but time isn't letting me get that done
TakDB has a flight path creator once you get enough data in it.
The input web pages are temporarily down due to a server change. I moved the input lite web page to another web page I host on a different service provider . You can use this link to do your turns for the time being. Sorry, it's only the lite version as I have too many data base connections/data to move the main page quickly.

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