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Questions & Answers (TAKAMO)
You do not have to retool all planets. You need to pick one planet that is in your hab range, good size and particularly high MP to be your main planet. This gets max protect and gets retooled every time you go up a tech level. Other planets may get retools based on being regional capitals, base of operations against a foe, etc. But not every planet needs a retool.
True, only retool the ones you want. I am retooling all mine currently because its cheap and right now I'd rather retool a couple currently for 150 RUs than build another shipyard that I don't need right now. Retool what you want and as Tregonsee points out, strategic considerations should always be considered.
Retooling is so much cheaper if you do it over time. I don't see much of an issue retooling most of your planets as long as you only do it once a turn, and only when you have some actions to fill in.
(05-13-2014, 09:56 PM)Nazareth Wrote:
(05-13-2014, 09:14 PM)Rocketeer Wrote:
(04-12-2014, 04:07 AM)WitCo-I Federation Wrote: <<snip>>

I plan on having basis turn sequence of Tax, Retool planet, assorted actions, Flt Scans, Planet probes, sector probes and lastly Overall Tech raise. this is viable as long as last build on planet is MUs yes?

Just curious why the Tech Raise after the Retool instead of before.


Rocketeer, You want to retool after TEC raise. I usually raise TEC and then immediately after retool planets.

Yes, that's my question for Wit'Co-I Federation - why does he retool first. Does he know something I don't...
Okay, who has their cargo route established? After reading some of Thom's notes I'm a little confused.
As a miner I find it better for me to tramp mine planets than to do a trade run. I have tried many times to no avail...GL
I have one set up, but am still tweaking it.
trade routes!? I have one that I move my fleets back and forth manually using multiple orders, but I don't have one 'setup'. Am I missing something or misunderstanding something? Is there a way to 'setup' a trade route that runs automatically?
I wish. Set up in this case means that it is a series of orders that I will constantly run every turn: Sell at colony A (left over from last turn) Buy at colony A, sell at terraformed world b, buy from terraformed world b, sell at colony c. Some cargo left over, which will be sold at colony a the following turn.
OK, that's me. I thought I was behind the curve, which is usually where I find myself!

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