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Issue #16 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
You could try copying and pasting into e-mail or into a Private Message here. I use Sumatra PDF reader, but I don't know if it works for your kind of computer, Jim.

What kind of computer do you use, again?
A Macbook Pro Retina 2012 year model, using Sierra.
Have you not tried downloading a different PDF reader? I don't use a Mac, but there are other PDF readers for it, as far as I know.
Jim, try something from one of the following pages:
I did try these but they don't work. Adobe Reader worked last issue, but not this one.
We're a day behind the publication schedule for Issue #16, at the time that I post this update about Issue #16 of Suspense & Decision magazine.

I've been working on it a bit more, throughout this morning. We're getting there. Issue #16 hasn't fallen into a hole. Time restraints preclude me from finishing it today, though. I'm feeling pretty good about it, overall. I'm happy with the progress that I made, today. My best guess, right now, is that Issue #16 will likely publish either late tomorrow (Friday) night, or at some point on Saturday.
Issue #16 of Suspense & Decision magazine is now available for downloading!

It's a few days late, and not everything got included (Sorry, Jim!), but hopefully we'll do better come next issue.
CORRECTION: The e-mail that I sent out announcing that Issue #16 of Suspense & Decision magazine was out and available for download should have sought correspondents from all PBM game communities, and not just from the Agema gaming community. I'm still tired from last night, and I copied and pasted an entry from a specific forum that I posted to, this morning, but I forgot to revise it for the e-mail mailing.

Sorry about that!

If anyone wants to be a correspondent for the magazine, but only cover a given game or game company's community, then Suspense & Decision magazine is very receptive to that. I figure that, even if we don't manage to get a correspondent for every PBM community of players out there, then for the ones that we manage to get a correspondent for, that would be a big plus for both the magazine and for the PBM industry and hobby, overall.

Again, sorry for the error, but thank you for your interest in the underlying concept!

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