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Questions & Answers (TAKAMO)
Seems like it wouldn't matter when you build as long as you build after you retool. Raise TEC action 5, retool immediately after and anything you build after that is the new TEC, right? It all is sequential I thought. If not, then I see the logic in it.
Even if you raise tec action 50 and retool action 1 next turn or after as long as you don't build between them it seems ok to me otherwise it makes no sense to not retool right after a tec raise...IMHO
I had posted this, previously, in another thread here on this forum, but I didn't see a response. So, I will post it in this thread:

The rules state: This orders a fleet with a Production Center Ship to move and land on a terraformed planet and convert to a Production
Center. You may then build additional PCs.

Is there more information available for Production Center Ships? Doing an electronic search of the rulebook leaves me in the dark.
(05-30-2014, 09:52 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: I had posted this, previously, in another thread here on this forum, but I didn't see a response. So, I will post it in this thread:

The rules state: This orders a fleet with a Production Center Ship to move and land on a terraformed planet and convert to a Production
Center. You may then build additional PCs.

Is there more information available for Production Center Ships? Doing an electronic search of the rulebook leaves me in the dark.
not sure i understand your question...its a pc ship it makes the first production center on a planet that does not have them
(05-30-2014, 10:05 PM)Nicademus Wrote: not sure i understand your question...its a pc ship it makes the first production center on a planet that does not have them

Just trying to figure out what to actually do. I'm no closer than when I played the first turn.

Basically, I am a Cybernetic that pretty much just sits where I started, building nothing and not growing. So, I have started blowing up my own planets, to avert boredom.
What turn do I put in for my turn orders, this turn? Am I on turn 9? Turn 11? Anyone have any idea?
(05-30-2014, 10:14 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: What turn do I put in for my turn orders, this turn? Am I on turn 9? Turn 11? Anyone have any idea?
as for the turn number it doesn't matter (I think) Randy autos that part I have submitted turn 10 a few times I think and it all turns out for me

(05-30-2014, 10:12 PM)GrimFinger Wrote:
(05-30-2014, 10:05 PM)Nicademus Wrote: not sure i understand your question...its a pc ship it makes the first production center on a planet that does not have them

Just trying to figure out what to actually do. I'm no closer than when I played the first turn.

Basically, I am a Cybernetic that pretty much just sits where I started, building nothing and not growing. So, I have started blowing up my own planets, to avert boredom.
you haven't submitted a turn. There are lots of things you should be a cyber you need to scan sub sectors, stars, and planets for NPC's to munch on. Don't destroy your own worlds they are a place for you to build cyber traders and other stuff. PM me and we can talk more.
maybe we can live chat on facebook (Michael Hart) yif you want to look me up
use the turn number after the turn you got your dreadnought
(05-30-2014, 10:48 PM)Nicademus Wrote: you haven't submitted a turn. There are lots of things you should be a cyber you need to scan sub sectors, stars, and planets for NPC's to munch on. Don't destroy your own worlds they are a place for you to build cyber traders and other stuff. PM me and we can talk more.
maybe we can live chat on facebook (Michael Hart) yif you want to look me up

Oh, I fully agree - There's lots of things that I, as a Cybernetic, should be doing. But, since I don't know how to do them, they don't get done.

I think that I am just going to take another maintenance turn, and get some ice cream, instead. I go through this every Friday, and it just gets old. It's not a very productive use of my time.

Destroying my own worlds, at least, isn't as boring as doing nothing. But, for any other Cybernetic player out there pondering it, just to see what the turn results say, it's not as though you get very much in the way of colorful narrative. By and large, it's an uneventful event.

I've sent probes out until I am broke. Neither probe type appears to be of much value, based upon what results that I have received from them, thus far.

I still can't print out the rulebook. If I could, then I would simply cut out the parts that are confusing me, and focus upon what remains. Currently, deciphering it is an electronic Hell, of sorts, for me.

I just want to understand what to do. Saying build this or that is pointless, since I don't know how to actually do it. So, I build no mining centers, no production centers, or whatever these things are called. So many abbreviations to sift through. So needlessly complicated, and for what gain?

Ice cream, at least, tastes good.
Is there a set of rules in Word format?

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