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Episodic Strategy Games or "PBM"?

If you have a television with a cable or satellite attached, you must know about Forge of Empires (FOE) or any of their five sister games.  They advertise constantly on TV, and are what you seem to like: you play as a dufus for free, and then you start paying to be relevant. 

Look, if you think World of Warcraft is a great game, not just a great money maker, go for it.  If you want a great game, try Alamaze.
I don't know of anyone in 30 years who has played Alamaze and not liked it.   See the reviews, including Dragon Magazine, et al.

We will have another 100 games started in 2015. Three started this week. Come back, Come back, to Alamaze we will take you!

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RE: Episodic Strategy Games or "PBM"? - by Rick McDowell - 01-23-2015, 02:36 AM

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