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Episodic Strategy Games or "PBM"?
And, here we are less than twelve hours later, with another screen shot of the Google search results for the search term PBM.

Compare it to the screenshot attached the previous message, the one for the search term PBM. Now, I've managed to get another entry listed on page one of the search results for that particular search phrase, resulting in a different kind of PBM product/service getting pushed off of page one's search results and onto the top of page two's search results.

The PBM entry over on the right-hand side is automatically updating with whatever the most recent posting that I have made to the Google+ page for PlayByMail.Net. You don't have to take my word for it, though. Do a new search for yourself.

Everyone is free to draw their own lessons, whether from this particular discussion or on a broader level.

We can even include a recent brief exchange on the subject over on the Alamaze forum, if you like, so that anyone reading this thread can also have the benefit of that discussion, as well.

If you refer back to Issue # 2 of Suspense & Decision magazine, there were some fictional newspaper headlines on display. The first of them was the following one:

[Image: PlayByMail.Net-Newspaper-Headlines-1.png]

Fiction is still fiction, though, right?

Everyone can judge things for themselves. A Google web search for the term PBM now reveals that this invasion is establishing beachheads on page one of Google search results for the term (PBM) that you encouraged us all to Google and see for ourselves.

Also, it has not escaped my attention that for the search phrase Episodic Strategy Games, your own game, Fall of Rome, occupies the number one position on page one of search results for that particular search phrase. Perhaps you would care to reveal how many new players to Fall of Rome that you've had lately.

If having the top slot on page one of search results for the very term that you are advocating in favor of to replace PBM isn't getting you many new players, currently, then how successful do you think that you're likely to be to persuade others to embrace what you are advocating?

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RE: Episodic Strategy Games or "PBM"? - by GrimFinger - 08-09-2014, 05:02 PM

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