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How forgiving should an order processor be for a game?
I am currently playing Heroic Fantasy with Flying Buffalo.  I have made a couple of errors on writing my turn that the moderator has corrected for me.  I was very grateful.  I would think it mainly has to do with the moderator's time restraints.  In the golden years, I imagine that it was more common to see unforgiving order formatting due to the sheer mass of turns coming in.

It's a nice service.  But I would understand if it were not there.  Doing the test run prior to the actual turn is above and beyond, on it's own.

The fully computer moderated PBM games are unforgiving.  In Dungeonworld, if you go in and mess with the format of the turn you are submitting in the online turn editor, its going to mess up the turn.  Putting Items in the wrong column, choosing the wrong ID# etc. also fail with no oversight or recourse.  It's part of the game.
Currently playing: Far Horizons, Riftlords, Heroic Fantasy, and Dungeonworld.

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RE: How forgiving should an order processor be for a game? - by Wilks - 07-10-2021, 07:26 PM

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