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Issue #20 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
(02-26-2021, 08:31 PM)Rinzai Wrote: My recommendation to Charles was to make Issue #20 the final PDF edition of the magazine and then switch Suspense & Decision over to a WordPress blog site where articles could be posted individually as they are ready by authors. This is so much more sustainable than designing, laying out, and producing a PDF magazine.

I agree that producing a PDF by hand is too much work for any one person, though they've both tried hard. But I'm not as fond of a piecemeal approach to it, either.

For one thing, a publication deadline (whether it be soft or hard) encourages me to write something on a timely basis. With an open-ended input area (blog, posts, etc.) then I wouldn't have anything pushing me to write and it'd just get put off and put off and I'd never get anything done. That sounds like a recipe for stagnation, and I'd rather not encourage that.

For another thing, one thing I like about S&D (from both a reader and game-runner point of view) is the advertising. Individual posts won't have any place for advertisements to go that talk about what's available and why anyone would want to play them.

If there was a way to help automate production of a PDF (or similar compiled 'zine format), with a way to submit articles directly to it, wouldn't that help a lot of the concerns that are being bandied about?

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RE: Issue #20 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by Davin - 02-26-2021, 08:45 PM

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