02-24-2021, 11:08 AM
I think it is time to try something different. Collecting articles in a single massive PDF issue is, IMO, a failed experiment. Someone needs to pronounce this single big issue patient "dead" instead of endlessly pounding upon the chest of the dearly departed.
The net result of holding up all articles until one massive issue is ready is NOTHING gets published in a timely matter because it is such a monumental task. Kudos to Grim and Ixnay for trying to breathe life into this corpse of single issue delivery.
In my opinion, if the goal is to save PBM, then the articles that have been written and collected need to be published far more frequently in a medium that is digestible to younger people...
For example, a Facebook page. Surely it is better to release articles every few days than every few YEARS?
Apologies for any ruffled feathers. But someone needs to say, "He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet. I will grab the tricorder."
The net result of holding up all articles until one massive issue is ready is NOTHING gets published in a timely matter because it is such a monumental task. Kudos to Grim and Ixnay for trying to breathe life into this corpse of single issue delivery.
In my opinion, if the goal is to save PBM, then the articles that have been written and collected need to be published far more frequently in a medium that is digestible to younger people...
For example, a Facebook page. Surely it is better to release articles every few days than every few YEARS?
Apologies for any ruffled feathers. But someone needs to say, "He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet. I will grab the tricorder."