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Issue #20 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
quick update: I spent the bulk of this holiday week on family stuff, and a set of interesting gaming activities, but did not work on S&D 20. This is disquieting to me. I want to get this rolling, but there is significant inertia to overcome, momentum to start building, time to dedicate, thoughts to unpack, contacts to form, and perhaps trepidation at the thought of trying to fill Grim's shoes, knowing it will be nearly impossible to come close to his achievements.

More than anything else, there is my notion of moving into a writing career. I don't mean that I'd be looking to S&D as a full-time job, but rather that editing a magazine like this would be a positive and healthy step toward that dream. I'd learn lots, fail some, and learn again. I have multiple other writing concepts in the works, and would like to press ahead on multiple avenues. S&D can help me get this engine cranking. Just need to apply the elbow grease.

I have a pile of articles and enthusiasm in my inbox from a few fellow members of the "inspired by Charles" club. Tonight I will try to start this by applying daily effort - by acting like this is my job - by writing and organizing every day. I'm not setting a target date yet, but I will keep you all posted. Just wanted you all to know that the wheel is going to start turning tonight...

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RE: Issue #20 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by ixnay - 01-02-2021, 11:31 PM

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