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Pre-Publication Checklist for the Staff of Suspense & Decision magazine
In an attempt to both improve quality control, generally, and to reduce typographical errors and glaring oversights, specifically, I have decided to post this pre-publication checklist, to serve as a visual reminder to myself, for the sake of future issues.

[ ] Double check that the dates on the front cover, the index page, and the bottom of all subsequent pages, are correct and the same, for all pages where a date is included for a given issue.

[ ] Extend an invitation to a game company or game moderator, for them to submit an advertisement to occupy the inside front cover of the next forthcoming issue, within one week of the publication of the most recent issue.

[ ] Ensure that the artwork for the front cover is finalized no later than one full week prior to the publication deadline for the next issue.

[ ] Ensure that the compiling of individual articles is completed, by the day immediately following the article's submission, if and where possible, to facilitate reducing the work load on the back end of each issue's compilation.
I got back into UO: Renaissance after useful advice from a player whose board name is Ren. But I lost all my old positions and have had to start anew.

Its a fascinating game mainly because there are two very contrasting groups of players. Those interested in attacking other players (PK: Player Killers) and those who want to role-play. Roughly, this divides between Trammel and Felucca players of Ultima Online.

I also have a request: Would it be possible to link each part of the table of contents to the page containing the item in question?

So the article on UO:R would be linked to p. 93, the first page on which UO:R appears. Ditto for the Midgard article (p.18).

The length of S&D is over 120 pages in 2 or sometimes 3 columns a page makes it hard to read in one go from beginning to end.
(11-05-2015, 12:52 PM)Greybeard Wrote: I also have a request: Would it be possible to link each part of the table of contents to the page containing the item in question?

So the article on UO:R would be linked to p. 93, the first page on which UO:R appears. Ditto for the Midgard article (p.18).

The length of S&D is over 120 pages in 2 or sometimes 3 columns a page makes it hard to read in one go from beginning to end.

I think that only one article was in 3-column format, the Where We're Heading one. That's a holdover from my initial preference for a 3-column magazine. It would be a simple enough matter to have it all in one format or another. Separate from this, I did e-mail Bernd, last night, about possibly publishing a version of the magazine in a format that was friendly for mobile devices. I suspect that it would be 1-column, only, though that's only a guess, assuming that Bernd has an interest in doing that.

What is your proposed solution for making it easier to read, Greybeard?

Any text or images can be linked - in a PDF version, anyway. I'm not sure, exactly, what it is that you're wanting me to link. To make it happen, I have to know EXACTLY what you are wanting incorporated.

I opened Issue #11, just now, to see what you are talking about.

Sure, I think that we can incorporate that. I don't have any issues with accommodating that request. I just have to remember to do it, is all, when I actually go to publish each successive issue from here on out.

I've already started compiling Issue #12, and I have one article compiled for it, thus far. I'll go ahead and do it for that article - if I can figure out how.
I am going to have to do some research. Typically, I save each page of the full document individually. I join the individual PDF files for each page together.
I'll have to experiment and fiddle around a bit, before this can be implemented. I've no opposition to doing it, per se, but it may entail changes, even major ones, even though the request, itself, is fairly simple.
My first experiment with it, just now, failed.
3 columns would be even harder to read, I would find it easiest in one column, saves going up and down so much to read the articles.
(11-05-2015, 02:46 PM)Greybeard Wrote: 3 columns would be even harder to read, I would find it easiest in one column, saves going up and down so much to read the articles.

Understood, but there would likely exist zero issues of Suspense & Decision magazine, that way. I have pondered just using one column, though, and more than once, at that.

Remind me, again, Greybeard, what kind of device that you are reading the magazine on.
A macbook pro retina

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