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Like a Bolt of Lightning!
Been a while. I used to own Bolt Publications and was EIC of The Nuts & Bolts of PBM (then Gaming).... It has been awhile..!
I've heard of Nuts & Bolts, but have never seen an actual copy of that publication.

Have you considered scanning any copies of those old issues? Some info about it for the PBM Wiki would be useful, also.

Out of curiosity, how did you find out about the site here? Several new users have registered over the last few days, fairly experienced PBMers, which is very good. But, to have a former editor of a PBM publication show up on the site, that's always a big plus, just due to the nature of your relationship with the play by mail hobby.
Unfortunately, I have no full issues left. I do have a scrap book (it was my sell book for store sales). I could scan that in.
(07-26-2013, 04:08 AM)Rick Buda Wrote: Unfortunately, I have no full issues left. I do have a scrap book (it was my sell book for store sales). I could scan that in.

Oh, that would be magnificent, if you could find the time to do that.
I have a turn result from Keys of Bled, undated. I can get it scanned. At the very least I could then create thread on this site for the clan.

And what about Midgard? I have several maps from the old game by Steve that folded, and several city details.
I am in the midst of searching out the book. I guess I should put down on paper some of the history of NABOG. It is funny - I have not played a PBM in over 15 years but just recently started a game of STARWEB (where it all began for me)... by email...!
I found some Wiki mentions of NABOG and of course I love the fact that I can find a few issues in the Library of Congress... It was a great crew that made the Fanzine click...
How did your game of Starweb turn out?
(07-14-2016, 06:32 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: How did your game of Starweb turn out?

I did not win but was in the Alliance that did. Old KYR the Berserker came through Smile
Have you scanned that scrapbook, yet?

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