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PBM News Blurb - July 18th, 2013
A little scrounging around in the Wayback Machine, this morning, yielded an old website for the PBM game, Takamo. The bigger news find for this game, though, was Chad Baldwin's Tumbler site, where I learned that Takamo is being developed as a MMORTS (Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) game.

Communiqué Interception
Exploring Tumblr led me to Stochastic Gamer's posting about an idea that he had for a Communiqué Interception PBM game. It wasn't long, though, before he was rethinking the use of a postal-based approach for the game, as he mentions here.

Undying Kings Games
Earlier this week, back on July 134th, 2013, I sent an e-mail to Undying Kings Games, to inquire about whether or not they are still involved with PBM, anymore? Mo Holkar kindly responded, "No, we're not involved in PBM any more." Some info pertaining to the old PBM games that Undying Kings Games used to run can still be found on their website, by clicking here.

PBM Gamer
The guy that I like to refer to as the Mad Scientist of PBM, Mark Wardell, is still stuck in an apparent time warp or suspended animation, apparently - at least, as it relates to all things play by mail. The PBM Gamer website is in the dreaded Maintenance Mode, which basically means that Mark has taken his PBM-related site offline. On a more positive note, the PBM Gamer forums are still up and running, but there hasn't been an actual posting made to those forums by anyone since August 21st, 2012 - almost one full year ago!

Flying Buffalo Gamer Forums
Dropping in on the Flying Buffalo Gamer Forums to check for new activity there revealed no new forum postings on that PBM-related site since January of this year (2013).

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls
If you're a fan of Rick Loomis, Flying Buffalo, Inc., or the old Tunnels & Trolls game, you might just want to take a peek at what's up with the new Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls game over on the Kickstarter site for the game. Over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars has been pledged by fans and believers to help turn this gaming project into reality.

Doug Malewicki
If the name rings a bell, but you can't quite put your finger on it, then be sure to check out Doug Malewicki's website. The PBM connection is not Doug's link to Evel Knievel's X-1 rocket Skycycle. Rather, it will "loom" large, if you scroll down the page far enough. If, however, what you are really after is a photo of Flying Buffalo's Skyczar drinking a can of Mountain Dew, then you'll probably want to go here, instead.

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