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PBM News Blurb - December 4th, 2011
Pegasus Productions

On a sad note, I learned last night that Phil McDowell of Pegasus Productions passed away in August, after a lengthy seven year battle with cancer. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Phil McDowell in the aftermath of this loss, an individual who is no doubt well remembered in PBM circles.

I had inquired of Phil's brother, Rick McDowell, via e-mail as to whether Alamaze was no more, due to Pegasus Productions' website for the game still being down since at least April. That's when I learned the news of Phil's passing.

Phil McDowell passed away in August of this year.


PBM Wiki

Over at the PBM Wiki site, I have added several dozen PBM companies from yesteryear to the list, bringing the total list compiled to date to 315.


Galactic Prisoners

There's a new fan site dedicated to the old PBM classic, Galactic Prisoners. Site administrator Michael extends an invitation to all former Galactic Prisoners players to join him in sharing their memories about this play by mail game with one and all.


London Engarde

The Yahoo! discussion group dedicated to the game, London Engarde, has only experienced one posting, since September of this year, so not much is happening on that site, at the moment.

The link on that site to yields a dead end, also.


PBM Gamer

Mark Wardell's PBM Gamer website is still a ghost town, of late, with no new PBM news emanating from the that site for at least six months, now. Mark's last posting on that site is dated June 14th, 2011. The site, itself, is still up and running, though, so perhaps Mark will resume his PBM reporting activities at some point in the not-too-distant future.


Starfleet Warlord

Dropping by the Starfleet warlord website, in order to see what's happening in their neck of the PBM woods, reveals that no new news items have been posted there since the summer just past.


Rolling Thunder Games

The Rolling Thunder forums are sporting a new look.
Sad news about Phil. - Jim
i have talked to him on the phone a few years ago.. Really sad news.
My thoughts are with his family....


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