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Miscellaneous Stuff
I went to upgrade the forum software to the newest version, today, and I then realized that I didn't remember how to do it. Generally, I did, but specifically, I didn't - and how many times have I done this task over the years? Who knows?

Well, I did manage to get it done, but not until after I had uploaded a bunch of files and directories to my root directory on the web hosted server. Hopefully, I won't delete stuff that is needed, whether for this site or elsewhere, as I try to delete that ton of files here shortly. If I do, my apologies ahead of time, though any mistake along those lines might even spell the demise of this site, inadvertently.

The site is currently fairly dead. It currently serves as a repository of postings, which the occasional PBM wanderer may still derive some use from. I try to maintain this site, even when I don't use it actively.

Feel free to use the site, to read or to post, as you each, respectively, see fit.

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