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Cohorts (Standalone Version) Alpha Test Released!
I've just published the first (alpha) release of the standalone version (v0.1.30) of Cohorts.

With this version, players can run through the entire game (at least with as much content as is currently available) without having to submit turns to the server.  You can run turns as fast as you can prepare them.

I'm pretty excited at the prospect of this release.  Now I have to wait and see how my alpha test group likes it.

Would you like to try it?  Drop me a note and I'll happily add you to the alpha test group.  You'll just need to keep in mind ... it's an ALPHA test.


I'm up for it - what do I have to do?
(09-09-2016, 08:16 PM)ixnay Wrote: I'm up for it - what do I have to do?

You just need to send me your email address so that I can add you to the group.

It's been about 6 months or so since the game's 1st Alpha Test was released. Based on the feedback that I got from the testers (which basically said - the UI needs to be significantly improved) I released Alpha Test 1 of the brand new version of the game.

Alpha Test 1 primarily focuses on going through the character setup process. It doesn't sound like much, but you get a really good idea of what's going to be coming just from this simple step.

New versions will be released every 3 weeks until we are ready to release a full Beta test, which is currently scheduled to be ready in 9-12 weeks.

You can get access to the Alpha Test either by joining the Facebook group "Cohorts Game System" or through my Slack account (which you'll need to be invited into).


Alpha Test 3 was released yesterday and is ready for public consumption.

You can get the link from our Facebook group "Cohorts Game System".

Alpha Test 4 was just released.

Check out our Facebook group "Cohorts Game System" for the details.
Alpha Test 5 - Release Notes

Much of this release focused on magic, combat and item detailed reporting.  
Many of the features that were available in AT4 were drastically improved in this release.

Feature List
- Cast Spell - Battle, Duel and Strategic
- Create Artifact
- Corrupt Weapon
- Aegis Armour
- Enchant Item
- Create Scroll
- Use Scroll
- Create Potion
- Drink Potion
- Magic attack types can now be attached to both weapons and spells
- Resources can be used to power-up/give access to magic types
- Character summary now shows magic attacks and magic types on weapons and spells
- Item Viewer is improved with much more complete data
- Item Comparer (work in progress)
- Combat system upgraded to include magic attacks, auras, special attacks, etc.
- Battle report now reflect outcomes from spells and special attacks
- Quest viewer is improved with much more complete data
- Weapon skills are now working better
- Quest loot has been improved/regulated to give better results
- Lots of data updates
- Many, many bug fixes

Glitch List
- Spell targeting with Scrolls seems a bit wonky.  It will sometimes cast the spell on the wrong target.
- Teleport Item is not behaving correctly - it seems to work, but the spell report is innacurate
- Invisibility Self is not working at all
- Item Compare is not consistently comparing the details of the two items
- Battle Report is not reporting combat spells consistently
- Afflictions caused by magic attacks are not functioning
- Spamming clicks during level-up and item transfer can cause erratic behavior - so click slowly please!
For those of you who don't visit my Facebook Group "Cohorts Game System", I publish a weekly status update on the progress of the game's development.

Here is today's update:

Status Report – Aug 8, 2017

This week did not go the way I expected. After finding out that the previous release of the game was unplayable (crashing on out of memory errors), I stopped working on the parts I wanted to work on and started concentrating on solving the memory issues.

I was feeling a bit down because my progress was less than stellar. Thankfully, the rest of the team covered for me and they cranked out a pile of great work.

This afternoon I solved the memory issue. These are only estimated numbers, but it looks like I was able to drop the footprint from approximately 3.7 GB to 400KB. In doing so, I also dramatically improved performance. Numbers vary from computer to computer, in general running turns and loading games dropped by about 65%.

Because I’ve had my head down trying to fix this issue I haven’t really had much of a chance to review the game’s state. But, I have faith that we’re in much better shape than we were 2 weeks ago when the last release went out. We may have a number of unfinished features (like Agents), but we have a lot of pieces in place that have been significantly improved.

I will be uploading the new AT6 release later today.

Please note: You MUST download the most current version of the game data (Norfolk Warriors AT6). The game will not run correctly (likely will crash horribly) if you try to run it on AT5 data.

If anybody is experiencing any issues with this version, or any version, please let me know so that I can address it.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Alpha Test 6 is ready for download from the Facebook group "Cohorts Game System".
Status Update August 18, 2017

This week’s status update is another great one. We got way more accomplished this week than I expected.

The list of new features we’ve put in, plus bug fixes are too long to list today. I’ll save it for when we the next Alpha Test release.

I can say this though, I expect we will have most, if not every Character action and Agent action up and running. I fear though we may end up having a less than clean release because we’re starting to struggle to adequately test everything. We’re doing out best, but the game’s content is getting to be huge – which I’m certainly not complaining about.

In addition to what you’ll *see* in this coming release, there are also a huge number of features that are just waiting to be fully implemented. We’ve got the design locked down for the biggest features we wanted to make sure were going to be in the first release of the game. Once all of the basic features are finished, we’ll start activating some of the coolest game design concepts I’ve ever worked with.

Have a great weekend everyone!



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