04-19-2016, 02:58 PM
(04-18-2016, 11:54 PM)ixnay Wrote: I am up for a game. I will gladly and enthusiastically relive the glory of Far Horizons here in Galact-tac land. We just need to get Grim to join in for the fun. One of the funniest things I ever read on this forum was when he named his new destroyer "Granny Goodness" as it glided shark-like into my home system.
I had thought about writing a review of Galac-tac, but wanted to play some first. But this idea of a "public" game sounds much better. I will see what I can do to hype this up.
How many players does it take to make a game run well?
Great, Ixnay!
If you'd like to put an announcement somewhere (referring to this thread) that people might see if they don't come here, I think that would help spread the word.
Traditionally, we like to run with 10-15 players per galaxy, but we should be able to have a fun time with 5-6 if we don't get more.
FYI -- ship names show up on combat reports, so he can do that to you again. We've even had players name their ships with a threatening message one word per ship, and sent them all into a heavily defended system just so their combat report would show them the message the hard way. It's a shame that ship order is randomized during a combat report.