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The World of Play-By-Mail in the Year 2011
With Carol Mulholland, the editor of Flagship magazine, sidelined by health issues, I think that it is safe to say that the future of that magazine, one which has a long history of association with the play by mail genre of gaming, is in doubt. At this juncture in time, I have no idea, whatsoever, whether Flagship will return, and if it does return, who might be at the helm of it as editor. Regardless, I wish Carol nothing but the best for a quick and full recovery. I really wish that she had been spared the health problems that she has had to endure, recently.

The individuals that I consider to be key figures in PBM's Old Guard appear to not be generating very much in the way of PBM related news, these days. For all intents and purposes, the bulk of PBM's remaining Old Guard game moderators and game companies seem to be disinterested in the play by mail genre. That's just how it strikes me, with very few exceptions. There just isn't much energy and initiative emanating from those circles, these days. Such a pity, too.

I hate that this site apparently lost a few rather promising participants, who had posted several interesting postings in our former forums. The possibility, exists, of course, that they may return, some day, but I really have no control over that. So, I won't fret over it, but rather, I will focus upon trying to grow this site's content, once more. It will be a slow process, but hopefully, it will prove to be an effort of some merit and value, in due time.

Because nothing new seems to ever be going on in play by mail circles, these days, there often is little, if anything, happening of note that warrants reporting on. When I visit PBM companies' websites, more times than not, there's nothing new being reported on their own sites. Or, maybe there is, and I am just missing it.

If you happen to encounter anything newsworthy in PBM circles, then by all means, feel free to start a new discussion thread in the forums, here, for the benefit of others, who might share an interest in it with you.

Going forward, I'll see if I can dig a little deeper, though, and see if there's some meat left on the bones of PBM's Old Guard.

Here's to 2011 being a better year for play by mail fans, everywhere!
Flagship and its domain are for sale: It is not clear whether the journal is part of the package or not. Way beyond my limited means, bit pricey if its just the domain.
(09-18-2015, 09:07 AM)Greybeard Wrote: Flagship and its domain are for sale: It is not clear whether the journal is part of the package or not. Way beyond my limited means, bit pricey if its just the domain.

I missed this post, somehow. Sorry.

That would be just for the domain name (the URL address), itself. It wouldn't include what files were carried on the web host account.

The domain, itself (, is worth nothing to me. What matters is the content that the magazine published down through the years. Only a small fraction of the total number of issues of Flagship that were published were ever scanned into PDF format, as far as I know. I would have scanned them all, if I had had a copy of them all, back when Carol and I were doing that a few years back.
The Flagship site is, not It's owned by KJC Games. It doesn't seem active.

I own (co-own, really) the content of Flagship magazine from its first issue to its last. Around ten years ago, I transferred to Carol a PBM domain she wanted in exchange for a small amount of cash and non-exclusive (shared with Carol) rights to the Flagship content. I believe I got the rights to the content of new issues a few months after publication. I still have the contract, somewhere.

I've long had the intention of re-publishing the better bits of Flagship magazine as a series of print/Kindle books, but running these past few years has taken up most of my time, and I imagine a series of Flagship books wouldn't sell that many copies. But it's becoming a stronger possibility as I expand Theme Park Press into related fields, such as comics and gaming.
(10-27-2015, 01:05 AM)BobMcLain Wrote: The Flagship site is, not It's owned by KJC Games. It doesn't seem active.

I own (co-own, really) the content of Flagship magazine from its first issue to its last. Around ten years ago, I transferred to Carol a PBM domain she wanted in exchange for a small amount of cash and non-exclusive (shared with Carol) rights to the Flagship content. I believe I got the rights to the content of new issues a few months after publication. I still have the contract, somewhere.

I've long had the intention of re-publishing the better bits of Flagship magazine as a series of print/Kindle books, but running these past few years has taken up most of my time, and I imagine a series of Flagship books wouldn't sell that many copies. But it's becoming a stronger possibility as I expand Theme Park Press into related fields, such as comics and gaming.

Hi Bob,

The URL listed on the page that the link above lists I know that Flagship magazine actually had websites on various different URL addresses, over the years. They always seemed to suffer from bad luck, on the technical end of things, though.

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