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Immortal Realms 7 Duo open for pledges
Immortals' Realms 7

New to Legends? 

Legends is the most in-depth fantasy world character/army-level action turn based PEBM on the market!

Take the Tour.

If you have never played Immortals' Realm then check out the world of Verana here.

Four reasons why you should play Immortals' Realm

1. An In Depth World
Whilst the Overlord is conquering the mortal world of Verana, The Nameless One has thrown down and killed the God of Law, Darsia. Fight to keep light shinning in the world, or to finally snuff it out.
2. Powerful Adventures
Find the Ammulets of Law, the Lost Kingdom of the Dwarves and much much more....!
3. Faction Coalitions
The Factions of Verana have banded into loose coaltions to try and save Verana in their own terms. Who will you join?

4. Play Two Positions
In IR7 Duo, you can play two positions. Each one must be based in different factions of your chosen coalition.

Check out the IR7 webpage for full details.

So visit our website today, and download the Immortals Realm module for free.
Or, if you have any questions, please get in touch at - we would love to hear from you.

Copyright © 2015 Harlequin Games, All rights reserved.
Initial Pledge deadline.

Join as an individual or a team.

5 spaces left in this game!
4 left now, hurry up!
This Game is now FULL.

If you are sad you missed the boat, keep watching this forum for when we annouce our next game!

We expanded this game from 60 to 72 positions.

It has filled to 71.

There is thus one place left for you!

Setups turns have just gone out so you can still be in at the start.


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