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Restoring PBM services...
Glad to hear Grim has emerged.
Whatever timetable is fine.
I could submit News and maybe something else if not too late.
(10-09-2014, 04:36 PM)ixnay Wrote: Tony -- it's "The Librarian", right? I've got it. And just to confirm, you want to use your first name only in the byline?

Davin and everyone else -- Charles has resurfaced, and I am working with him to get all the many bits and pieces lined up to assemble. Now that he's available, I will likely not have to do my own email-contacting campaign and can just get stuff straight from him. I will in all likelihood be assembling this issue myself, and if I can get everything I need I may get it done by the end of this weekend. We shall see...

ixnay, Actually never gave it a thought. Put whatever you think is acceptable, doesn't matter to me.

Good to see you back on-line Charles. Pepsi; good to see you have good taste!
OK, I managed to locate someone to help me get the forum fixed. He did a fresh install of the latest version of the forum software, last night, and he imported the old users accounts and the old forum messages. So far, everything seems to be working just fine, on both the user end and the admin end. If any of you encounter any technical problems or glitches, let me know. He had started on it, when I got home, last night, and when I checked it, this morning, after I got up, it was completed. I sent him payment for service rendered, just a few minutes ago, so this is one headache that has been resolved.

NOTE TO RICK MCDOWELL: Rick, since your forum runs the same software, if you ever encounter problems of a technical nature with the forum that we can't resolve, ourselves, then this guy might be a useful resources for you, for future reference. He was very reasonable on the price for fixing it.
(10-06-2014, 03:43 PM)ixnay Wrote: Okay, it looks like that preview of the Issue 10 cover is a full-sized image, which means I can use it for publishing.

I will begin assembling Issue 10 this week. I have a full issue's worth of articles from Grim, except for Grim's own contributions. We'll just backfill. I have the page templates. And now I have the cover art. Here's what I need to do:

- contact anyone who had an ad in Issue 9 and see if they want to run it again in Issue 10
- complete the article submissions by adding images and text callouts as needed
- draft up an editorial post

If anyone would like to submit anything for Issue 10, please alert me here asap. I expect to get a draft done by the end of this week. Those of you who are running ads, please respond when I email you for status. I will post updates here on this thread as time permits. Hopefully we'll have Issue 10 published and in your hands within a week.

Good news. It would be helpful, when the time is right, to give us all a deadline for Issue 11.

Hope all is well with Grimfinger, too.
Nice to hear from Grim.

Any time table and issue length is fine.  The main thing is what you do for the hobby.
(10-10-2014, 12:02 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: OK, I managed to locate someone to help me get the forum fixed. He did a fresh install of the latest version of the forum software, last night, and he imported the old users accounts and the old forum messages. So far, everything seems to be working just fine, on both the user end and the admin end. If any of you encounter any technical problems or glitches, let me know. He had started on it, when I got home, last night, and when I checked it, this morning, after I got up, it was completed. I sent him payment for service rendered, just a few minutes ago, so this is one headache that has been resolved.

The new website looks great, even better than before!  I am glad it is back up and that you (Grim) are ok.

Now if you are still having issues with Takamo...
I agree, very good new look for the website
Hey all -- quick update. I am still working on Issue 10. I decided to use a page-layout tool rather than MS Word. (In researching options, I found a post where someone was asking about tutorials on how to do multi-page layout in Word, and the first reply was something like "Yeah, you will never hear the words 'MS Word' and 'page layout' uttered in the same sentence by professionals...") Scribus (the new tool) is open-source, free, and works well with Open Office tools (which I often use), and is fully capable of handling magazines. But there is some initial investment required in setting up my templates.

The plus side is that it will be far easier to do Issue 11, when the time comes.
Thanks for the update, Ixnay. Please let the advertisers know if the new tool has different sizes available for the images. (I try to size mine to precisely fit the bits available so the page layout doesn't automatically resize them and end up blurring the edges of the text.)

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