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Sentience In Stasis: The Mechanized Tribulations of a Starting Cybernetic
Orders sent, with about five minutes to spare.

God, I hate doing orders for this game!
Once again, it's that time to struggle through the process of trying to issue turn orders.

I have no hope of getting this completely done before the turn deadline. My goal each turn, is to try and get at least one single order processed. My empire continues to stagnate.

My enthusiasm level has fallen to bland. If the orders don't get processed, it is inconsequential to me, as a player. It just doesn't matter. Headed into twelve turns, and I still don't know what to do. For the most part, I am simply guessing. Last turn, I guessed correctly, and managed to succeed in blowing up a planet. The reward for a Cybernetic player doing that is virtually nil.
Well, with three minutes to spare, I managed to fire off a set of turn orders. I used less than a third of the available order slots, which does not bode well for my empire's progress, but lacking familiarity with how to do things, I am pleased that I managed to get what few orders that I submitted sent in before the deadline expired.

On a brighter note, I am going to find some supper, now.
Yet another turn with no progress. Apparently, I know even less than I thought that I did, which was nothing, where building up a planet is concerned. Zeroes continue to generate nothing for me, economy-wise. As enthusiasm wanes, such turns with no progress yield no real frustration of note, anymore.

As I soon begin to transition away from trying to issue turn orders an hour or less from the actual deadline, perhaps I will begin to become more successful in my undertakings.

I am receiving some advice, now, although the advice assumes that I know how to actually do what is suggested. I do understand the importance of building up one's economy. Yet, I can't seem to manage to build a mining center or a production center.

My economy is less of a concern to me than the fact that the enthusiasm that I have for playing the game has plummeted to such low levels. At some point, my ignorance on how to play the game, particularly at the most basic and fundamental level, can probably be rectified. Can the enthusiasm decline be rectified, though?

The single biggest contributing factor remains the scattered way in which information relevant is presented to the player via the game's documentation in all its forms. It's just so time consuming trying to flip back and forth, back and forth, and try to remember what a previous page said, without having to refer back to it, again. I really wish that my printer was working. But, with enthusiasm having fallen so much from its initial level, there's no real urge to go and buy one.

The changes that were supposedly made to the input page for the game, I didn't see. The only one that I was looking for, though, was the copy function. Not sure why I didn't see it. Lack of enthusiasm keeps me from caring, though. I comment on it, simply as part of this quasi-diary, of sorts.
Wow! What a difference that a single turn can make - if you actually know what you are doing in this game. I can't take the credit, but it matters not, as I'm Cybernetic.

Turn # 13, of all turns, yields a notable uptick in enthusiasm. There's an omen in there, somewhere, I think. Perhaps it was all due to the Honey Moon that I missed, due to falling asleep early.

Apparently, a few things finally got done, this turn. Some enemy forces were eliminated, last turn (Did I fail to mention that?), and more bio-lifeforms were eradicated, this turn - and their world seized by Cybernetic forces.
I still hate the issuing of turn orders aspect of this game.

But, I do like the action coder checker option, very much. What a Godsend that is!
(07-11-2014, 04:42 PM)GrimFinger Wrote: But, I do like the action coder checker option, very much. What a Godsend that is!

Except, it appears that it doesn't work with all of the codes, only some of them.

I remain persuaded that the documentation for this game is horrible. It is a huge distraction from enjoyment of the game.

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
ACK!! I just lost everything that I had worked on for turn orders fro the next turn. The bane of dependence upon a turn input mechanism built atop a web page.


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