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PBM Goes Graphic
Many PBM roads lead to Sam - Sam Roads, that is, director of Harlequin Games (Legends) and Game Systems International (the Middle Earth PBM folks). He also plays in a rock band and volunteers to help depressed people - you'd think he'd help me, but I'm way too far gone.

With all those hats to wear, it's astounding that Sam has had time to write a graphic novel called Kristo, which tells the tale of the Count of Monte Cristo set in Stalinist Russia.

I helped him shape some of the dialog, so not only is the dialog pretty good, but the novel itself is damn good, and Sam has nearly reached his funding goal on Kickstarter to get it published:

Why not have a look? You can pledge as little as a single British pound (worth about $1.50). Sam provided a teaser to help you decide:


When the Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was only a baby, his father Isaak died in a hunting accident.

Really, comrade?

Then explain how we come to be in possesion of a copy of "The Confession of Isaak Solzhenitsyn", written in 1951, thirty years after his death.

A document judged so inflamatory that it has remained sealed by order of the N.K.V.D. for the past fifty years, only coming to light after the death of Aleksandr.


You could almost make a PBM game out of that. Go pledge!

-- Bob McLain
Very neat. Best wishes to Sam on this endeavor.

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