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Species Log: The Most Glorious Giznadalu
Species name: Giznadalu
Government name: The Bank of Giznad
Government type: Plutocracy

Log 1

We've been scanning the skies for centuries, assuming that there's intelligent life out there willing to engage in fair transactions that are profitable to all parties. We haven't seen any signs, though. No radio transmissions that can't be attributed to natural phenomena.

Even so, we're convinced that there are many markets out there, even if the cultures aren't sophisticated enough for wireless transmissions. Now that the faster than light engines are a success (we're able to send ships there and back without risk to cargo), we're launching out-reach crews to travel to the nearest systems and find those markets.


Player's Notes

I like the manual and I don't like the manual. There's a lot of information in there, but most of it seems like it will be useful to me only after I have a few turns experience.

There are a couple of threads in the Far Horizons group that I've been poring over. "Advice for the Uninitiated to get off to a Better Start" has been great with answers to the mechanics and "If you have no idea what to submit as orders this week..." has given me some idea of how to start.

As far as that goes, I'm playing a race of Canine Merchants (plutocracy, get it Dodgy )). We're out to assimilate the galaxy via commerce, much like the Federation in another game. Towards that end, I'm planning on building up knowledge to trade for access to systems, commerce centers to crank out the shiny baubles that all intelligent life craves, and freighters with defensive armaments.

I sent in my first order this morning; let's hope that the Creators accept it.
A Bank of Dogs. I love it!
Raven Zachary in Portland, Oregon, USA. Currently playing: TribeNetSuperNova, KnightGuildMiddle-earthTakamo, and Wraith.
Dog Money!
(05-10-2021, 11:26 PM)ronin Wrote: Knowing that the game engine tries to keep player's home worlds far apart, I'm pondering the approach to exploring. Should I investigate the systems nearest my home world, or those furthest away? If I stay close to home, I'm certain to avoid contact with the other players. But those worlds should be safe from the others for quite a while (someone said 6 turns?). So if I jump further, I can start colonizing worlds as a buffer zone. And maybe get first contact at a better stand-off distance.
Your ship also has a better probability of succeeding longer jumps while it's shiny, bright and new. You can make shorter jumps a couple of turns down the road.
Somehow that made me think of the valets and the Porsche in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
You mean these guys.
Log 3

The saying that few marketing plans survive their first meeting with reality still applies.

We're delayed in sending out the first freighter. Something about "testing the engines before sending valuable goods." We're taking the opportunity to invest in a line of pleasure yachts. They'll serve as our ambassadors of good will while we work the bugs out of the production lines.

Player's Notes

I was confused about some of the sequencing. I wanted to build a transport, load it up with supplies, and send it off to start a colony. I found out that it's like walking up to the gates of Mordor.
* I have to spend a turn building the transport. I can't actually dispatch it until the next turn.
* I can load it up with supplies the turn that it's built, so there won't be a delay when I do it dispatch it.
* I can't start colonizing the turn that it jumps; I have to wait until the next turn.
So it's build+load, jump, colonize. Three turns.

That's changed my approach. I was focusing on the LS levels so that I'd be able to colonize sooner. It makes sense to build out scouts and send them exploring. Going to have to send in yet another updated order.
Log 4

Always read the fine print.

Our order missed a comma. The manufacturer took advantage of our mistake and now we're the owners of the fine yacht "TR1 Ted               100." To make matters worse, the dock workers were paid to load "TR1 Ted." They showed up (late as always), took our money, and then left, claiming that there was no such ship. Our lawyers now tell us that if we so much as miss a single space in the name (or add one too many), the crew will ignore the orders. After all, contracts are binding and woe to the fool that never learned to proof-read.

Player's Note

The forum seems to display "TR1 Ted<15-spaces-here>100" as "TR1 Ted<just-a-single-space-here>100." You have my word that there should be 15 spaces in there!
I believe it says earlier in the rule book that all spacing past 1 space is ignored by the computer.  It recognizes Tab's but not extra spaces.  It also recommends you not use Tabs but use comma's instead.  It also states that the computer ignores the spaces before the commands and between the commands.  You do not have to tab over from the left margin at all.  That is purely aesthetic for us humans.
'Any spaces that appear in a name will become part of the name.'
Currently playing TribeNet, Far Horizons, Galac-tac, Supernova, The Isles and Dungeonworld.

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