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Columns for S&D
I’m thinking about regular columns for S&D:
 - tribal star fleet trade report (opening editorial)
 - news from the field (provided by companies, moderators, players)
 - tech level upgrade (PBM and technology)
 - designers notes (game design and development)
 - valley of the ancients (recollections of PBM past)
 - Dante’s inferno (zine creation notebook)
 - Lunar Landing (outreach to other fora)
 - where we are headed (continuing Grim’s format)
 - standard survey/feedback form

Not every column will appear in every issue, but they all appear regularly. They’ll be written by S&D staff writers and guest contributors. And beyond this slate, we’ll continue publishing one-off articles, stories, serials, and art from anyone who cares to join in.

What do you all think?
That sounds pretty good to me. If you come up with something else later, you can always add it to your list.

Getting people to contribute articles/input usually seems to be challenging - any ideas about how we might encourage that?
Go with your gut.
I would be interested in writing for Designer Notes and/or Tech Level Upgrade.

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