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newly inspired to PBM!!!
I've been playing in Flying Buffalo's Riftlords/ Rift Lords PBeM [RL-2] for just over three years. The pace was just about right, while I was working a full-time job and in library school.

Now that I've finished the degree (I still have the job!), I'm looking to join a couple more games -- perhaps something with more role-playing? I still need a reasonable gap between turns (Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire proved to be a bit fast-paced for me), so I'm looking at Regime Change (AGEMA) and Twilight Earth (Madhouse). I'm also trying to see, if I can track down the people currently running Exile (The PBM Formerly Known As Saturnalia).
I just sent requests for game-slots in Clash of Legends and Starweb. It's been a while since I've played a game, so I need to get my chops back.

Oh, and Davin is looking to set up a game of Galac-tac for posters on this forum. Ping him and play!
Flying Buffalo gave me a speedy reply regarding Starweb. They have an "anonymous" game in the hopper, with 8 players waiting to start. I just joined so that's 9. It's a 15-player game. Anyone else here interested in a little showdown with PROG the Destroyer?
(08-09-2017, 04:18 PM)ixnay Wrote: Flying Buffalo gave me a speedy reply regarding Starweb.  They have an "anonymous" game in the hopper, with 8 players waiting to start.  I just joined so that's 9.  It's a 15-player game.  Anyone else here interested in a little showdown with PROG the Destroyer?

Yeah, I am interested. I'll be even more interested during my next credit card cycle, as I'll need to top up my Buffalo account. (So, after Aug 20th.)
I think you can sign up even if your account is low -- the game won't start until we get the full 15 players. Be sure to tell Rick it's the anonymous game with PROG the Destroyer in it...
And while we're on the subject -- HEY GRIM -- WANT A PIECE OF ME? COME AND GET IT!

(08-10-2017, 04:55 PM)ixnay Wrote: And while we're on the subject -- HEY GRIM -- WANT A PIECE OF ME?  COME AND GET IT!


How very quaint. A simplified variant of a taunt. Very feminine, even if not very effective.
Ah yes, I suppose Granny Goodness was the picture of masculine taunting.  Regardless, the (antique white floral) glove has been thrown.  Engage in this new Starweb showdown, or scurry away like a good little managing editor/forum administrator/PBM celebrity.
If you've got a problem with Granny Goodness, take it up with Jack Kirby. When Granny Goodness showed up at your doorstep, she certainly seemed manly enough, to hear you tell the tale.
(08-10-2017, 05:39 PM)ixnay Wrote: Engage in this new Starweb showdown, or scurry away like a good little managing editor/forum administrator/PBM celebrity.

Said the PBM celebrity assistant editor/assistant forum administrator.

Besides, I'm busy compiling an issue that you never submitted an article for.

Just saying.

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