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Issue #13 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
1. I have entered into discussions with the cover artist that I used, previously, for the front cover art of the various issues of Suspense & Decision magazine. He is receptive to joining us, again, in helping to move Suspense & Decision magazine forward, and to making Issue #13 a reality.

2. Two of the biggest obstacles to publishing Suspense & Decision magazine with regularity are health issues and other interests in life that have a tendency to distract me. My health isn't horrible, as far as I know, but as with most anyone who continues to age, time has a way of exacting a toll upon me. I have less actual control over my health, than I do over other interests which distract me and which consume large chunks of my time. In all likelihood, I may very well some of my other interests int the magazine, as well. It's not a perfect solution, I grant you, but I dare suggest that this approach may well stand the best chance of the magazine enduring over the long haul. Besides, if I write an article about something that you're not interested in, you can always just skip past it - much as readers were used to doing with various game-related articles that I wrote in previous issues of Suspense & Decision magazine.

3. Everyone has their own ideas about how to best go about the task of creating and publishing issues of a magazine like Suspense & Decision. I have no problem with this. However, where extended lulls in publication have transpired, no line seems to have formed by others sporting different approaches to the core concept. Accordingly, just as when I sought to bring Issue #1 into existence a while back, likewise, I will largely be guided by my own judgment as to how to get the ball rolling, once again.

4. Certain aspects of the magazine, as readers previously new it, will be carried over to this new attempt to bring the magazine back. Other aspects, however, may be changed or eliminated, altogether. I will strive to eliminate obstacles and barriers to getting the job done.

5. I could certainly use some help. You are invited, anew, to participate.
(06-29-2016, 04:10 AM)GrimFinger Wrote: 3. Everyone has their own ideas about how to best go about the task of creating and publishing issues of a magazine like Suspense & Decision. I have no problem with this. However, where extended lulls in publication have transpired, no line seems to have formed by others sporting different approaches to the core concept. Accordingly, just as when I sought to bring Issue #1 into existence a while back, likewise, I will largely be guided by my own judgment as to how to get the ball rolling, once again.

I'm glad you're pursuing this again, even if there are changes.  Speaking for myself, I think the "core concepts" can vary widely and not affect the success of the magazine, unlike the old print days where every page costs money.  I think the ads are important to readers and thus free ads are important to get the advertisers to put them there.  Otherwise, I'd encourage the "publish anything I can get my hands on" model.  Regular sections also don't have to mean every issue if you can't get constant contributions - maybe swapping a pair of such sections every other issue might also be viable.
Article one for Issue #13 has been received and prepared for publication.
We've received a second article for Issue #13, as well as an interview planned for it.
Free ads will be making a return, in some for or other. Honestly, I can't imagine publishing the magazine without at least some for of free advertising option. I actually think that the free advertising model that the magazine utilized, previously, was actually one of the biggest successes of Suspense & Decision's previous run(s). I say that because, all things considered, it was relatively easy to sell people on free ad space.
Ironically enough, PBM companies (or companies that used to be PBM companies) seemed to value free ad space less than non-PBM companies, overall.
The PlayByMail.Net Facebook page is already beginning to lead the way, in returning the magazine and this site to life, anew. Granted, you can't really tell it, yet, by looking here, but I have been posting more and more frequently on this site's Facebook page, just bits and pieces, quips and images. The 'big picture,' so to speak, will be more than just the return of the magazine. The social media component, primarily on Facebook, will feature prominently as the magazine surges back into existence.
That'll be great!

I'm glad that you're making progress on Facebook, but I don't have a Facebook account (and don't want one), so I won't be able to keep up with your presence there.  Maybe you can cross-post any important news here as well?

I don't suppose you've heard anything from Bernd about issue #12, have you?
(07-14-2016, 02:44 AM)Davin Wrote: That'll be great!

I'm glad that you're making progress on Facebook, but I don't have a Facebook account (and don't want one), so I won't be able to keep up with your presence there.  Maybe you can cross-post any important news here as well?

I don't suppose you've heard anything from Bernd about issue #12, have you?

I have not heard anything recent from Bernd, regarding Issue #12. Life gets complicated, at times, and he may simply be busy with other things. I just don't know.

I don't begrudge you for not wanting a Facebook account, and while there may be some occasional cross-posting from here to there or from there to here, not having a Facebook account will likely mean that you will be in the dark for a lot of what gets posted by PlayByMail.Net. That approach will also limit out ability to promote your company and its games. You could create a Facebook account, simply to give you the means to then create a Facebook page for your company or its games, and not even really make use of the personal Facebook page aspect. Just something to consider.
I did receive articles three and four, also, and just a few minutes ago I sat down and wrote a brief article for Issue #13, myself.
Submission period articles for Issue #13 is now over.

Submission period for advertisements for Issue #13 is still open.

Any additional articles received for Issue #13 will be reserved for Issue #14.
Issue #13 of Suspense & Decision magazine is not yet ready to be published, but here's a look at the front cover for it.

[Image: Suspense-and-Decision-Front-Cover-Issue-13.png]

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