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Sentience In Stasis: The Mechanized Tribulations of a Starting Cybernetic
I hate spreadsheets. If it works for you, though, all the more power to you.

I don't really know enough about the game to actually plan my turn out, though. For the time being, I'm just trying to get some turn orders in and get up and running.
(05-10-2014, 03:37 AM)Tregonsee Wrote: I actually plan my turn on an excel spreadsheet and then transfer to the turn input sheet.

Me too. I spend about 5 minutes with the actual input sheet program.
I am a traditionalist, I print out the turn sheet, fill it in by hand, make corrections, change orders etc. Then I put that into the turn sheet. I just love the feeling of scratching away with a pen or pencil and figuring things out.
Well, from the looks of it, I must have bungled things, since my orders were not processed.

Someone refresh my memory - When I click on the Save Turn button, do I also need to e-mail the turn orders in? Or does the Save Turn button save them on the Takamo end?

And here I thought that I was finally going to do something.
(05-13-2014, 03:40 AM)GrimFinger Wrote: Well, from the looks of it, I must have bungled things, since my orders were not processed.

Someone refresh my memory - When I click on the Save Turn button, do I also need to e-mail the turn orders in? Or does the Save Turn button save them on the Takamo end?

And here I thought that I was finally going to do something.
Clicking Save Turn creates a .tak file (like .txt file) which you then email to Takamo (

But you should have gotten at least a turn back with income.
(05-13-2014, 04:13 AM)Tregonsee Wrote: Clicking Save Turn creates a .tak file (like .txt file) which you then email to Takamo (

But you should have gotten at least a turn back with income.

And here I was, thinking that I was submitting multiple turns, saving it as I went along.

Hahahahahahahahaah! The joke is on me, it seems.


Now, I get to do that all, again. But, live an learn. I honestly just could not remember.
I had issues submitting turns as well. I got in trouble when I turned in a turn with a .txt file. Randy beat me until I turned in the .tak file. Who knew he was so violent? He is also the guy who told me to launch probes at my own planets for information, knowing that they would be blown to bits by my own fighters. He is a sick and twisted man. Smile
I have sent a probe to one of my own planets, it was not shot down and gave me info.
Diplomatic service confirms war declaration against. . .

A matter of time.

It was only a matter of time, before contact was made. Destiny is inevitable. The sole precursor of war is the eerie quiet of space - a void with no voice, a place where only memories linger in the eternity that endless blackness offers.

Turn # 7 has been processed. To humans, the number seven has special meaning. All the more ironic, then, that the number now represents a confirmation of the renewal of war amongst the stars.

Hide as they may, the five galaxies are only so big.
So who is your target? Hopefully an NPC. But you do not have to declare war on them, wastes an action. Just take their planet.

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