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Tribes of Crane: A blast from the past
(10-25-2014, 06:44 PM)Nebless Wrote: Not a review per se, but I came across the following in my files.  It was originally published in S&S ToC newsletter and shows some of the passion and action what was Tribes of Crane.

                                                               The Lion Strikes

    Lee's orders weighed heavy in his hands. The enemy had been found, now it was up to his and Eyrik's warriors to bring them to bay.

    With his training of the Willamette almost complete, he had been ordered to rendezvous with the Klamath southeast of Arcola to guard against the Beastmaster people coming south to aid Drakon's forces at Arcola.
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    With the link up complete he had conferred with Eyrik Gunnarson, Chief of the Klamath. Both of them had agreed that the Beastmaster probably wouldn't come down. Darkon's forces were out numbered and being mauled at Arcola. Darkon wasn't the most brilliant at times, but he wouldn't throw a tribe away. No they'd have to scout north up the Rahwack road to find them.

    Just before their scouts were to depart, a messenger had ridden up with a note form Kinglord Al-Ra-Shan.

    Liam had held the scouts up while he broke the coded note to read its important words. When he was done he sent one of his runner’s for Chief Gunnarson, this was news to be shared.
    When Eyrik showed up, Liam quickly gave him the grist of the message, “Hoseclan and Warlord of Thunder units have continued their attacks against Darkon’s forces around the city. Also and more important Al-Ra-Shan has had reports from his forester’s that the Beastmaster people were seen near the north edge of the woods on the road.” “Now we can concentrate our scouts instead of scattering them everywhere looking for those devils.” Eyrik added. And so the scouts were briefed and sent out with orders to pin down the Beastmaster’s position.

    While the scouts were out the rest of the warriors had prepared for the coming battle. There was no question in any of their minds as to what must be done. If the enemy wouldn’t come to them, they were to tear the forest down if necessary to flush them out. Weapons were given one final edge and many of the warriors were strengthening or adding extra bindings to their warhawks.

    No battle in the clear grasslands this time, they would be diving in and out of the trees and crashing through the branches to get at the enemy. They were to hammer the Beastmaster until the enemy broke ... pound them into the ground. The enemy was strong no one doubted that, but had not the Multnomah stood up to them and fought them to a stand still? And what of now? Darkon’s own was hiding in the forest afraid to meet them in open combat. They would show the council just how good they were. Between them and the Klamath they would strike the Beastmaster a blow Darkon himself would feel where ever he was.

    All too soon the scouts returned, the Beastmaster had been found right where Al-Ra-Shan said they’d be. Orders were issued, plan’s finalized. The Willamette would have the honor of drawing first blood followed closely by the Klamath’s attack. Many would die but Kinglord Lee had given his orders, destroy the Beastmaster people and they would do so this bright fall morning .... or die trying.

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RE: Tribes of Crane: A blast from the past - by Dan Menefee - 07-22-2015, 04:18 AM

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