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Sentience In Stasis: The Mechanized Tribulations of a Starting Cybernetic
(05-23-2014, 11:33 PM)Rocketeer Wrote: There are other Cybers in the game. Ask a veteran for help. Randy implied that veterans would be helping the newer players. You can ask me for general help. I have the old rule book imprinted on my brain. And yes, you will find yourself flipping back and forth trying to figure out an action. It would be nice to fix the old rule book but would not be a good ROI at this point since the MMO is a different animal.

Some activities in the game are two stage: Build a *something* ship (BCnnn), send to planet, install *something*. Next turn build more *somethings* (BCmmm)..

I am already aware that there are other Cybernetic players out there. But, until and unless they communicate, they are largely out of the loop.

As far as asking a veteran for help, you need to keep in mind that the point of this particular thread is to serve the same basic purpose that a similar thread served, which I created for a game of Far Horizons. That thread can be found here:

The thread is intended to serve as a mechanism for me to express what I feel about the game, and in the early stages of the game, frustration will likely be the dominant feeling conveyed. As I do things right, and as I begin to grasp various aspects of the game, and as I begin to memorize actual, specific order codes (assuming that I manage to do that, eventually), then you will probably begin to see my spirits rise.

Any game is always going to be easier and smoother, if a player communicates with veteran players of whatever game is in question. I've already asked Tregonsee for advice, fairly recently, in fact.

Originally, I was supposed to have the entire morning available for me to figure out what turn orders to issue. But, things have a way of changing, and demands upon my time have a way of coming into existence quite unexpectedly. When that happens, it will put me in a bind, when it comes to trying to issue a full set of turn orders within a very attenuated time frame.

As a Cybernetic, basically, I view all bio-lifeform players to be my enemies. In a nutshell, I want to hunt them down and wipe them out. There's no grand mystery to the essence of what Cybernetics are supposed to do.

The game of Takamo that we are playing is basically run as a courtesy by Randy and crew. Do I think that they should divert resources from Takamo Universe to this older version of Takamo? Of course not!

Unlike with many veteran players, Takamo's rule set isn't second nature to me. What I am encountering, thus far, is that various pieces of information that I need are not all located in one place. So, I am invariably going back and forth, trying to flip between various electronic documents, in order to figure out what to actually do. It's very time consuming and very frustrating, yet it is the reality of my current dilemma.

Having no actual experience with the game, it's time-consuming to try and sort through it all. That's why I began, previously, trying to create my own set of documentation for the game. That is an exceptionally slow process, one barely begun.

Furthermore, a Cybernetic asking a bio-lifeform for advice is just something that I view to be bad form. I know that players are willing to help. But, it makes more sense to me to ask for advice from Cybernetic players, rather than from bio-lifeform players. Nothing personal, mind you.

Walter is playing a Cybernetic, but he has been fairly quiet, of late. But, he's new to the game, also, if memory serves me correctly.

My approach to learning this game, as well as some other games, tends to make things worse on me than they probably have to be, but there's rhyme and reason to my madness.

Messages In This Thread
Turn # 7: War comes to Takamo! - by GrimFinger - 05-18-2014, 04:15 PM
RE: Sentience In Stasis: The Mechanized Tribulations of a Starting Cybernetic - by GrimFinger - 05-24-2014, 03:40 AM

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