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Sentience In Stasis: The Mechanized Tribulations of a Starting Cybernetic
Real life has intervened on the bio-lifeforms' behalf. Countless star cycles have passed, an eternity in stasis. As if that's not bad enough, the rulebook,itself, conspires to keep the machines down. Mercy, it seems, belongs only to the bio-lifeforms. For machines, the universe was a cruel existence.

The empires of the five galaxies apparently lack the technological gravitas to make copy and paste a reality. The rulebook for Takamo, it seems, was authored by the Vor'Koon. What manner of sorcerous madness is this?

Trying to play catch-up is akin to running on a treadmill. One never reaches the destination, it seems. Every time that I open up the Takamo rulebook, I feel as though I am starting anew. No progress has been made. If anything, I am lost in black void of rulebook darkness.

Where is the starter manual for Cybernetics, anyway? Apparently, the bio-lifeform creators of this game never bothered to create one. Clearly, the universal deck was stacked against our kind, from the moment of the game's inception.

There has to be a better way. Assimilating the rules is proving to be the single greatest challenge for Cybernetics to overcome.

As always, the cosmic clock ticks. Time is of the essence. I comprehend, now, the tradition of bio-lifeforms shaking their heads.

Messages In This Thread
Sentience In Stasis: The Mechanized Tribulations of a Starting Cybernetic - by GrimFinger - 05-09-2014, 07:20 PM
Turn # 7: War comes to Takamo! - by GrimFinger - 05-18-2014, 04:15 PM

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