03-20-2014, 09:32 PM
I have a submission for issue 5 in the works -- I'll finish it off tonight.
Also, thanks for the high praise in your blog post! Sometimes the forum is so quiet I wonder if anyone is reading it. I keep posting, because it's fun for me and these game-logs will serve as a great archive of my exploits for posterity.
So let me use my bully pulpit (such as it is) to encourage people to Post On This Forum. Post a game-log, post thoughts on a game, post on the type of game you'd like to play, etc etc. I enjoy every article in each issue of the magazine, and every post I find here on the forum.
As for you, Grim, as I ponder the possibility of meeting you in the field of PBM battle once again, I find myself cackling maniacally. I relish the prospect, noble adversary. Bring It On. ;-)
Also, thanks for the high praise in your blog post! Sometimes the forum is so quiet I wonder if anyone is reading it. I keep posting, because it's fun for me and these game-logs will serve as a great archive of my exploits for posterity.
So let me use my bully pulpit (such as it is) to encourage people to Post On This Forum. Post a game-log, post thoughts on a game, post on the type of game you'd like to play, etc etc. I enjoy every article in each issue of the magazine, and every post I find here on the forum.
As for you, Grim, as I ponder the possibility of meeting you in the field of PBM battle once again, I find myself cackling maniacally. I relish the prospect, noble adversary. Bring It On. ;-)