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Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge)
That last post was turn 12. This is for turn 13. Just getting caught up here -- the game is currently up to turn 16.

First, my invasion of the alien colony failed utterly, as expected. But I got some useful info. I managed to actually hit it with some pre- and post-maneuver bombardment -- this time my energy weapons were able to hit, and with no energy shields to stop them they actually did a little damage. The aliens didn't fire on my 3 scouts at all, but they did resist my "invasion" with about a million ground combat factors -- easily swamping my few thousand soldiers and assault craft. So, we learned that the aliens don't have shields, they have a relatively moderate amount of ground defense, and they either don't have space weapons or they chose not to fire. I am sending the 3 scouts back home.

Back on the homeworld, my factories finished up a large batch of farms, life supports, and power plants. Just basic colonizing stuff. I am assembling up to the planetary cap of power plants, which at this tech level will save me 10m fuel per turn. I'm retooling a bunch of factories to produce Lab-8 and Factory-7, since I am in short supply of both.

I brought my other scouts back from the in-system former alien outpost, and am completing the assimilation of their small population into my home colony. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, I always say.

My big new colonizer ship setup went well -- it's sitting in dock, loaded with people and stuff. I am adding a bunch more fuel and a LOT of structural units, both assembled (to expand the hull) and unassembled (to use in building a colony on planet 2.)

And finally, I put a big boost of tech into Robot Probe Vehicles, which are new in this iteration of Empyrean Challenge. Not only can you fire them out into nearby star systems for remote probing, but you can harpoon alien ships with them and get reports on their movements!

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RE: Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge) - by ixnay - 03-07-2014, 05:49 AM

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