(01-11-2014, 04:23 AM)GrimFinger Wrote: If you're sure that he intends no offense towards either yourself or Tribes of Crane, then how can you simultaneously be shocked, stunned, and mortified by comments that you are sure intend you or your game no offense?
Simple, Grimfinger! I know Peter to be a really nice guy. However, his comment on this forum stated in black and white that Fallen Empires was an update of Crane, with ownership thus more than implied. I have since received a facebook post from the Fallen Empires guys stating that this was NOT their intention and that in future they will proofread their public statements more carefully. As such I consider the matter CLOSED.
There is no ToC website at present, while the game itself has been in hiatus for far too long. However, it looks like I will soon have time and resources available to restart the game in a modest way. It will remain a snail mail game for enthusiasts. Please feel free to add Zen Games to the wiki page. Anything else I can help with my email is zengames@breathe.com. Cheers! Melvyn