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Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge)
Okay, I battled away the forces of real life long enough to get a halfway decent set of orders submitted. Not fully decent, but halfway decent. If any of you are following my Legends game log, that turn is coming tonight (guaranteed).

First, I had a lot of research to spend. My most urgent priority was to finally burn those high-tech sensor prototypes I captured in the alien outpost. 18 Sensor-5 means I get to deduct 72% off the cost of upgrading from level 2 to level 5! And sensors are critical for all space-based battle stuff. I have a big batch of military hardware in the production queue now, so I'm going to need a few good Sensor-5 to aim with.

I also bumped my Laboratory tech from 6 to 8 -- an enormous investment in research. I don't want to diddle with single-level upgrades to labs. I am currently working Lab-5s, and hadn't built any Lab-6 yet. This will kick it all up a notch, so I am starting up a production run of these Lab-8 now. We'll see how it goes.

Finally, I had 2m research left over so I upgraded Hyper Engines to level 3.

I uploaded a new batch of raw materials to the orbiter and pulled down a large hunk of newly built Light Structure. That will go to ship building next turn. I also noticed a small but growing group of unemployables up there -- all new population growth in a colony goes into the unemployable group first (families, etc). I want them down on the home colony where birth rates are better.

I loaded up most of my scout ships with food and consumer goods. Their crews don't actually consume those con-goods, but they will bring them out to the alien outpost in orbit 1. Out there I might swap personnel so that the alien population gets moved to my homeworld and the outpost gets a new staff of loyalists with no rebel issues.

There are 3 other scouts sitting in the adjacent star system -- the one with the large alien colony. They are in orbit 11 (the outer ring), along with a single alien scout. I ordered them to attack the scout with energy weapons and then move in to the orbit with the colony. They can attack that next turn. They will likely get fried, but I hope to get a good probe of the alien colony defenses in the process. Kamikaze. Typing this, it occurs to me that the alien scout in orbit 11 might not be one of THESE aliens -- it might belong to another player. Oops. I guess I will find out -- are ALL ships/colonies that don't belong to me flagged as "alien"?

The rest of my turn was minor production tweaks. I have a lot of stuff in the pipeline. I also happen to be out of Factory-4 so next turn I will probably want to bump up Factory and Mine technologies and set up a new production run of both. We'll see how much research I have to play with.

The big thing I left OUT this turn was using the ship designer tools to build a large freighter. This will involve me finally learning the rules about cargo bays and the neato design sheets. I was late and ran out of time to fully document all that stuff. It will be done for next turn.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge) - by ixnay - 12-14-2013, 06:24 PM

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