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Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge)
30m labs??? wow... Might need to start shanghai-ing some aliens!

I am wary of putting so many people up on the orbiter -- it's birth-rate is far lower than my home planet. I understand wanting to save fuel, but you're paying with people! My god, man! ;-)

OKAY, this turn had some self-inflicted misfortune...

First, I accidentally shut down my Energy Shield production line. It was small, and I was only keeping it open to have a few on hand in case of emergency. But still embarassing.

Second, after all my careful calculations on building out my orbiter, I made one teensy tiny error. I planned out how many Professionals I needed to run all the new factories, and I added that same amount of automation capacity. But of course, factories require triple that, so most of them sat idle. That will be fixed next turn. I did manage to notice and remedy a big consumer-goods gap in the orbiter, so that's good.

I sent scouts throughout the system to conduct surveys. Alas, "survey" happens before "movement" I guess, so they just parked in their respective orbits. I need to check -- they might need to move within one distance-unit of the planet to conduct a survey. The one survey I DID complete was for that alien outpost I captured. And that answered a big question I had -- "do all worlds have "infinite yield" deposits?" The answer is no. Planet one has 6 mining deposits, but they are all of limited yield. Personally I find that unrealistic. I suggest that every planet have unlimited yield deposits, but that their extraction percentages be low. Perhaps vanishingly low.

I now have "Laboratory 6" technology. I have a turn or two to finish my current production run of Lab-5, and will start Lab-6 when those are done. OR I might expend to Lab-7 this turn and do a 2-level jump. I haven't made up my mind -- putting such a focus on labs seems risky, but I have balanced out most other elements of my economy. The only big question mark is when I'm going to start needing weapons. I don't want to be caught with tech-level-1 armaments when things heat up, and that's a 5-turn lag at least (4 to build, 1 to assemble).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge) - by ixnay - 10-14-2013, 03:34 PM

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