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Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge)
Quick update:

The only semi-urgent news is that my new surface colony in orbit 1 (the alien outpost I siezed) is in some state of rebellion. There doesn't appear to be a definite flag or status reading saying that as such, but there were items in the action listings for that colony saying that my forces "repelled the invaders", and that my security people had found a few rebel leaders. The latter was understandable, the former confusing, and both could be presented more clearly. I also found in the rules that upon becoming occupied, 65% of a colony's loyal inhabitants go rebel, and 65% of the rebels go loyal. So it was expected that this colony would be in trouble.

I left my 3 scouts (with all attendant soldiers) docked to that colony, so that probably helped. I have no immediate plans to move them again, so they'll just hold down the fort. One interesting thing to note is that while all the inhabitants of the colony started out with a different "race" number (indicating they were aliens), all new population growth in that colony appears with MY race number. This pretty much confirms that all people in this game are "human" -- just different ethnicities or nationalities. If my rebel problems persist, I may eventually shuttle all my "aliens" to my home world where their insidious influence will be swamped by my superior culture.

This is a big turn for manufacturing -- any factory groups that were set up on turn 1 have now completed their first production run! If one followed the tutorial closely, one would have a big batch of Factory-5 ready to assemble now. In my case, I went with Factory-4 and Lab-4, so I have a smaller (but still big) batch of both. I should start producing about 6M research a turn now and still have a great big boost to my production capacity.

The new research will likely go into Mine or Farm for the next 2 turns, and then go back into Labs for a 2-level bump over 2 turns.

The new factories? There are many things to build, but one item is screaming pretty loudly at the moment -- food! I will probably make at least a million Farm-2 which will push out 10M food/turn. Food is absolutely my top scarcity right now. I don't have my turn in front of me right now, but I may have miscalculated. It might take far longer than 2-3 turns to overcome my food shortages at present farming rates. It's worth boosting Farms to at least level 6 in the long run -- that's when you can run them on ships, thus you can make every ship and colony self-feeding if you have the space, fuel, and desire.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cluster Wars (formerly Empyrean Challenge) - by ixnay - 08-19-2013, 07:04 PM

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