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New PBM Magazine from PlayByMail.Net
In looking through old back issues of now-defunct PBM magazines from the past, I cannot help but to pause, and give the ads for various play by mail games that appeared therein a good looking over.

At times, the ads were more interesting that the articles in given issues of these old PBM magazines. The artwork wasn't always the best, but personally speaking, I think that that is one of their charms.

With regard to this new PBM magazine that I will be launching (no ifs, ands, or buts, anymore - I will make it happen, it will come to fruition), some model of advertising will accompany the publication, itself. Having never been a fan of the advertising models used by the PBM magazines that I have browsed over the years, I can't help but to think that, surely, there's got to be a better way.

I can't really envision publishing a new PBM magazine in this day and age that doesn't incorporate some model of advertising into its overall scheme of accomplishing what is to be accomplished. My take on advertising for this new PBM magazine is that it should properly be, first and foremost, a tool for promotion and advancement of the genre of PBM gaming, rather than as a tool of revenue generation.

Accordingly, a system which encompasses at least some form of free advertising for PBM games is something that I view to be imperative - imperative to the success of the overall mission, and imperative to helping any new PBM games that might come into existence going forward get a better-than-would-otherwise-be-the-case chance of succeeding, without free advertising being available to them, where this new PBM magazine in question is concerned.

Articles of some sort or other, rather than advertisements, themselves, should rightly be the the primary substance of the magazine. I think that ads and articles, both, make for a better visual blend, and that having both in a magazine of this sort will yield a more impactful publication, all things considered. Accordingly, a balance of sorts must be struck, or at least I think that such a balance should be struck, and as such, I will pursue both, with the overall aim being a more robust and healthy publication.

For PBM companies and PBM moderators wanting to advertise in a given issue of this new PBM magazine, I am leaning toward the equivalent of a half page to a full page of free advertising. In essence, they could each have one full page ad, or two half page ads, or four quarter page ads, or any combination thereof (such as one half page ad and two quarter page ads), for a given issue. Alternatively, I have considered limiting it to the equivalent of one half page of free advertising per issue, and reserving full page ads to either paid ad status, or simply at the discretion of the magazine's editor.

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RE: New PBM Magazine from PlayByMail.Net - by GrimFinger - 07-26-2013, 04:22 PM

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