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Wraith - Looking for playtesters
I am looking for players to help test and give feedback on Wraith, a new turn-based strategy game that is inspired by Empyrean Challenge, The Campaign for North Africa, and my experience with Far Horizons.

If you're not familiar with Empyrean Challenge or Far Horizons, they are 4X games (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) with a focus on managing the supply and production lines to support all of those X's. EC was an actively evolving game, and the Wraith engine is based on the original 1978 game, early errata, and newsletters. This includes

* A star cluster with limited resources that players have to find and manage
* Skilled and unskilled labor pools that can be tapped to build factories and farms, staff labs, deploy as soldiers and spies, and (if they become unhappy) rebel
* Create colonies to extend the reach of the player's nation
* Direct research to learn new tech and build advanced ships and weaponry

The game will start in June. Game turns are on a two-week cycle. Players will upload their orders to Wraith's web site. Turn reports can be downloaded from the same web site. Initial turns will be hand moderated, but I will eventually have the engine process orders automatically. 

Feel free to ask questions or DM me if you're interested in playtesting.

Messages In This Thread
Wraith - Looking for playtesters - by wraith - 05-19-2022, 02:53 PM
RE: Wraith - Looking for playtesters - by wraith - 05-19-2022, 11:16 PM
RE: Wraith - Looking for playtesters - by wraith - 05-27-2022, 03:25 PM

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