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Flock Games: an experiment in collaborative play-by-email design
I'd like to invite everyone here to join Flock Games and become a player in a new, yet-to-be-created play-by-email game that is collaboratively designed by the players.

Flock Games hosts collaboratively-created, free, play-by-email games where the rules are defined by the players. Each turn, players are allowed to submit new or revised game rules for inclusion into the rulebook. All proposed changes to the game are reviewed and voted on by the players and may or not be approved for inclusion.

A Flock Game begins with a basic set of concepts and rules around a theme. Each turn, players submit new and revised rules and the games evolve every turn, hopefully into an immersive experience that is fun to play. All Flock Games include an evolving ruleset. Each game is a journey.

The plan is to launch a series of game concepts under the Flock Games name over the course of the coming years. We host one game at a time.

How it works:

1) The players collaboratively pick a theme for the new game. All players at the start of a new game submit one noun (any noun: a person, place, or thing, this can any proper noun or common noun) via email to the gamemaster for voting. All nouns are posted in the voting channel on the Flock Games Discord. Players vote on these nouns. Any noun that has a majority of votes based on the current player count is included into the game concept.

2) The gamemaster then creates a basic outline of the game using the approved nouns and posts the initial rulebook with a single order command - the ability to name something in the game (this could be characters, units, items, whatever the game is focused on). Once posted, a majority of players need to approve the rulebook or the game won’t start until it has been revised to the majority approval of the players.

3) The gamemaster sends out the first turn results to players. This is the setup turn. At this point, all players can do is name things in the game.

4) Each turn, players submit orders via email to the gamemaster. With these orders, each player is allowed to submit one new rule or revised rule for voting with their orders. This could be a new order type, a change to an existing rule, or some other aspect of the game that they believe will improve the experience in some way. Anything goes. Players can even propose a meta-rule such as the turnaround time, game deadlines, the format of how orders are submitted, or even who is the gamemaster of the current game!

5) The gamemaster will post all revised rule changes to the Flock Games Discord for voting. By the end of voting, any rules with a majority of votes will be included into the new rulebook for use on the following turn.

6) Turns continue until a majority of players vote to end the game and start a new one. Any player is allowed to propose a vote to end the game, but the vote requires majority approval of the motion before the actual vote to end the game is approved.

Interested? Join us on our Discord server:

Players can still participate without Discord (email, but they won't be allowed to vote on new or revised rules without the use of Discord.
Raven Zachary in Portland, Oregon, USA. Currently playing: TribeNetSuperNova, KnightGuildMiddle-earthTakamo, and Wraith.

Messages In This Thread
Flock Games: an experiment in collaborative play-by-email design - by ravenzachary - 03-08-2022, 12:00 AM

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