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A new set of thoughts on how to bring Midgard back
Hello everyone,

Over the last couple of days a few of us have talked about how best to restore the Midgard game. A number of us have talked on the phone amongst ourselves and have put together a number of points that I will present here nd now. The main goal is to preserve the game of the past as it mostly was, so that there is some consistency for all to be able to relate to. So that if a gamer that played in the past were to return they would  mostly recognize the game as it once was and realize much of what they once played was still there in some way or form. Now we also feel there are a number of matters that need to be redesigned or fixed so that the game can be a good game for all to enjoy and play again. So let's begin with what should happen.

Midgard Game History:
We feel that we should keep the history as it has been written in the past, thus the Imperials are invaders of Midgard. Now the only part of the history we advise to role back or change was the history of what has happened in game from the time of the Meteor strike.  Thus simply stated, the meteor struck and the continent of Midgard was virtually destroyed. All of it's cities were reduced to rubble or totally destroyed from a tidal wave or fires. Much was lost and many cities were all but totally wiped out or destroyed. Pick a number of years (20 -30 years) that it has been since that great devastation happened and state that the people of Midgard have started to stand up again and the many factions have started to try to extend their control again of the continent.

[Image: great-strike.png]

The skies grew dark and a great ball of glowing red light steaked across the skies heading south over Midgard. It seem to hit the sea south of Midgard and north of Kalmar. At the point of impact, everyone was thrown off their feet. After the strike great waves came crashing inland and swept over the lands of Midgard. Many cities in the south were simply swept away. Meanwhile great earth quakes were felt across the lands everywhere and many cities were reduced to rubble and/or burned to the ground. Then those that managed to survive that had to endure a great long winter that lasted two years, leaving many to die from the elements or famine. Much was lost and most people just tried to survive. That was from the times of our parents(20-30 years ago), and now people have started to reform and rebuild from the ruins of the past. Some of the former political organizations have reformed again and have started to via for political control of the lands once again.

Factions of the Midgard game:
In our talks to a few players that once played this game, everyone wants their own beloved factions back again. We feel the desire and love of this game was the rich and diverse choices that were the factions of the game. Now in some cases some were tinkered with for what ever reason and a little bit of redesign needs to be done to fix those issues. We also feel that to make it appealing for everyone and to set the stage s everyone can and will return to the game, that all of the faction be made available from the beginning of game start. Now we do understand that the coding for the Naval side of things is not ready, but that would mean that two beloved factions will need to sit idle until that part of the game code can be completed. That would mean that the Barbarian SeaKings, and Buccaneers would need to be on hold until the Naval code is done.

We feel that the following list of factions all be brought back into the game and all located on Midgard and open for game play:

 - Imperials
 - Boda Familiy
 - Getham Family
 - Roder Family
 - Society of Arm (SOA)
 - Merk Verk
 - Cymru
 - Seekers
 - Skelts
 - Banner Religion
 - Gift Religion
 - Ring Religion
 - Order of the Hand (OOH)
 - Blood and Fire Religion
 - Serkenar Religion
 - Cult of the Dark One Religion

We feel that each of these factions in the past that did exist in various Midgard versions should be looked at and slightly tweaked to be brought back into the game from game start. We know that the GM wants to just have a small number of factions at game start but we feel this would be a great mistake and would cause this game to fail horribly. Having all of this diverse factional choices was what draws many players into the game in the first place. The GM has stated that he is hoping to get 3-5 players per faction, but we feel if he returns all of these factions that he will get a lot more than that.  Next we also feel that the GM should open it up to all players to run up to (6) clans per player.  This would allow people to play in multiple factions for more game enjoyment, which means more money for him and a better profit margin for him and the game's success. Speaking for myself with (6) clans I would most likely have: (3) Cymru, (2) Gift, and (1) Ring clan, and in the long run I would most likely want to run (3) cities as well too. Having just (3) clans really is not enough, especially for us former players that had like (15) positions in the end of Midgard USA version. Also I feel that the game turns should be every two weeks not once a month.  It would allow people a lot more better pace for the modern gamer enjoyment, than the old one month game turn. The game needs to hit the ground running and having lots of players with many choices with (6) clans each will give each person a lot of options to pursue.

Some game advice to the GM to stop abuse that we have seen in the past:

Ok with this rebut reduce all the cities in size, defenses, and city buildings. Wipe away almost all factional Offices and Temple and make most cities Independent.  Only have a small number of cities declared for ever faction scattered around the Midgard content. Next don't have anyone with huge resources to be handed out to players. Also have NO Factional regiments at game start. Just have the resources that are at hand and the factional clans. It will be years before a starting clan of 200 retainers can take on anything, let alone a city. Part of the problem in the past, factional resources and/or factional regiments were handed out to players like there was no tomorrow. It didn't matter what rank someone was, it was handed out like water to a thirsty man. I say to the GM, make players earn factional aid. Make the player's roleplay their clan's faction's goals and keep them in-check and on target. A lot of the abuse of the past was because the GM's didn't make people play the way they should play within the factions they were playing. Make them do the right thing.
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music

Messages In This Thread
A new set of thoughts on how to bring Midgard back - by DreamWeaver - 02-02-2020, 02:09 AM

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