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Your First Three Turns of SuperNova
Your Second and Third Turns

If you ran 80-orders for your first and/or second turn, you may be ready to build a new ship and prepare to colonize new planets. That's covered in Expanding Your Empire.
This post covers ways to maximize your production, prepare ship components, and explore new systems.

But first, here are five miscellaneous orders you may find helpful.
   PRIV    Privacy
                  is a toggle. Use this order if you want to change your settings from 'players can contact me via email' to 'players must contact me via in-game message'
   XLFE    Live Fire Exercises          
                  trains your military. The 'X' means do it each turn. Issue this once when you have room for a spare order.
   FNAME   Rename Fleets
                  allows you to rename up to 5 fleets.
   NAME     Name Legendary Character
                  lets you name up to 5 of your legendary characters. You'll do more with them later on.
   PAP        Political Action Proposal
                  lets you ally with any friends you have in the game. You can also set it to various levels for other empires you discover later on. No hurry on this, as the galaxy is big.

On your homeworld, a single installation of each of these types will give you a bonus of one sort or another (details at the SuperNova Wiki), so consider CONstructing them. None are crucial, so fit them in whenever you have a room for another order.
  • Imperial Port Authority Complex
  • Top Gun School
  • Naval Gunnery Range
  • Imperial Naval Academy
  • Imperial Naval Military College
  • Science Center
  • Science Institute
  • Science Lab
  • Science Station
  • the 'Imperial' versions of these last 4

Now back to production. For ships, it will help to have each of these items in your Production Queue. I've also suggested target amounts but these are really rough - don't worry if you produce less.
  • Electronics  25,000 (see the SuperNova Wiki for components)
  • Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive   3
  • Mk I Nuclear Engine 3
  • Mk I Computer System 3
  • Fuel Shuttle 2
  • Survey Lander 2
  • Colony Beacon 2
  • Fuel Tankage 15,000
  • Cargo Bay 75,000
  • Colonial Berthing 75
  • Type A Science Lab 3

In the meantime, while your PathFinder are out discovering new worlds, you can make use of two essential orders
   SS   System Scan
               useful when you first land in a new system, to see what planets and Warp Points are there
   SURV   Warp Survey
               'unlocks' a Warp Point for all of your ships, if you have enough sensors to survey it. A single Pathfinder can survey an 'A' or 'B' Warp Point. For higher levels, you'll need new ships, detailed in the next thread, Expanding Your Empire.

Messages In This Thread
Your First Three Turns of SuperNova - by Spiff - 12-31-2019, 11:57 PM
RE: Your First Three Turns of SuperNova - by Spiff - 01-01-2020, 11:48 PM

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