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Your First Three Turns of SuperNova
Here's a brief guide to using SuperNova: Rise of the Empire (SNRote) for entering your orders. Get SNRote from the SuperNova downloads page.

If you have access to a Windows computer, great. If you work on a Mac, you can still run SNRote with the excellent CrossOver program, as detailed in Raven's clear instructions for SNRote on a Mac. It takes several steps to set up, then it runs seamlessly.

Once you have SNRote ready, launch it and Update your Data. Make sure you put the SN Turn Entry Data for the current turn (unzipped) into the SNROTE folder, as this will tell the program your available Warp Points, Planets, Fleets, and the like.

Select your Empire (some players have more than one) and begin entering orders, using your spreadsheet of Turn Plans as a guide. (It's much easier to edit plans on a spreadsheet, so it's a good way to draft your orders first).

SNRote will auto-complete your entries, and that's handy in two ways. First, it's fast, since you can type 'mo' and then Tab ahead as the program enters 'MOVE/ Move to Warp Point.' Also, it serves a check against errors if it doesn't auto-complete when you think it should. For instance, you could enter movement to WP 50505 in the Galactica system, then see that SNROTE doesn't offer you 50505 as an option... so you check and see that 50505 is in the Raliens system, not Galactica, and you can enter the order correctly.

Your first SRP Set Research Priority order will take longer to enter, as you could assign all 25 slots. After that, entry is faster because you'll enter new info only for changes, entering '0' for slots that stay the same.

After a few turns, you'll enter orders much faster. Here are some helpful tips to remember:
  • You can hit 'Enter' on your keyboard to save most orders
  • MOVE is when you want a fleet to go to a Warp Point. NM is when you want to go to a planet.
  • WARP doesn't take an Action Point, so even a ship with 1 AP can MOVE and then WARP
  • BI Build Item to add a new item to your Production Queue
  • EB Edit Build to change the quantities of an item, or to remove it entirely
  • The Orders Supplement tells you the syntax for any given order
  • Do NOT use commas when entering numbers (like '10,000' or '2,000,000') because the program uses commas to separate order parameters. Extra commas may clog your orders.
To edit an order, click on Edit Orders and heed the advice: Edit Orders is used mostly to delete and renumber. To change an order, you'll Delete the row of the mistaken order, then return to Order Entry and enter it correctly. Then return to Edit Orders to assign the old number to your new entry, and click Refresh Order Listing. You can now return to Order Entry from where you left off. It sounds harder than it is, and you can get the hang of it pretty quickly.

All done? Save your orders, then email them as an attachment to Turns for Draco (your 'galaxy,' separate from the older Andromeda Galaxy) run every other Tuesday and the results come a few days later.

Messages In This Thread
Your First Three Turns of SuperNova - by Spiff - 12-31-2019, 11:57 PM
RE: Your First Three Turns of SuperNova - by Spiff - 01-01-2020, 01:35 AM

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