When getting started, remember the Golden Rule of SuperNova: you don't need everything.
If you want to record every bit of information you receive, you can... but start with the essential info and stop when you're satisfied. For your first several turns, you need the six key pieces of your system and production information, detailed in the thread of Your First Three Turns.
Then to organize all your info, it really helps to maintain three spreadsheets for
I actually combine these last two into a single document, on different pages ('sheets'). Use Excel, Numbers, Open Office, or Google Spreadsheets.
The first, 'Exploration' spreadsheet, is handy for seeing where your fleets can go. Mine looks like this:
If you're a completionist, you could add in information about Astronomical Distance and Diameter of each planet, plus which have been covered with PMAP, ORB, and EXPL orders.
A spreadsheet is great for planning orders, too. Most players ultimately submit their orders with the SNRote program (see Your First Three Turns), but it's easier to plan and edit them on spreadsheet first, like this:
And you'll need access to the rules. In each of my turn folders (01, 02, etc), I have alias links to a Rules folder which holds the
That's it for essential info!
If you want further handy records, you might also like spreadsheets for homeworld production, planet resources, fleet locations, and research priorities. Examples below, followed by a sample ship design and maps.
If you want to record every bit of information you receive, you can... but start with the essential info and stop when you're satisfied. For your first several turns, you need the six key pieces of your system and production information, detailed in the thread of Your First Three Turns.
Then to organize all your info, it really helps to maintain three spreadsheets for
- listing planets and Way Points for each system
- calculating production at your homeworld
- planning your turns
I actually combine these last two into a single document, on different pages ('sheets'). Use Excel, Numbers, Open Office, or Google Spreadsheets.
The first, 'Exploration' spreadsheet, is handy for seeing where your fleets can go. Mine looks like this:
If you're a completionist, you could add in information about Astronomical Distance and Diameter of each planet, plus which have been covered with PMAP, ORB, and EXPL orders.
A spreadsheet is great for planning orders, too. Most players ultimately submit their orders with the SNRote program (see Your First Three Turns), but it's easier to plan and edit them on spreadsheet first, like this:
And you'll need access to the rules. In each of my turn folders (01, 02, etc), I have alias links to a Rules folder which holds the
- Orders Supplement
- Installation Supplement
- Convoy Route Supplement
That's it for essential info!
If you want further handy records, you might also like spreadsheets for homeworld production, planet resources, fleet locations, and research priorities. Examples below, followed by a sample ship design and maps.