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The SeaKings Redesign #12 - Naval Barbarian
The SeaKings (Barbarians) #12:

[Image: Sea-Kings-fation-12.png]
Barbarians represent the original inhabitants of the "Known World."  It is known
that the Barbarians did not originate in the Known World, but arrived in three
great waves thousands of years ago.

Barbarian clans actually originate on another continent in the world of Midgard. 
They are sea-borne raiders and prey on coastal villages and towns.  Barbarian
forces can perform all types of military operations but excel in the use of
Light Infantry and Light Missile weapons.  Barbarian clans can make their own
armor and weapons (Light Infantry and Light Missile) and spend most of their
lives aboard ships.  Their Longships are much feared and it is known that they
take prisoners to refill their ranks.  The Longship is unique to the Barbarians. 
It has only been produced by Barbarian Clans in the past.  Barbarians will sink
their own ship to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

Every two years, all Barbarian clans must return to their homeland.  All of the
goods that they have gained by raiding is then tallied and the new hierarchy
is established.  Each clan is then allocated new ships and men based on their
ranking. Then the next Barbarian wave begins.

The Barbarians prefer the name "Brothers" when they refer to each other. 
Their organization is not very formal, but it is effective.  Barbarians can
count on strong support from their "Brothers" against a common foe, but
are likely to fight among themselves over the division of the loot.  Many
Barbarians keep alive the old tales about past glories; when the known
world was under their control.

SeaKings Bonuses:

1 The SeaKings (Barbarians) are, in comparison to Midgard Organizations, undisciplined and unruly.  Their lack of perceived discipline is their greatest asset in combat and other types of operations.

SeaKings Hierarchy:

0 The Lord of Death (umpire/computer)
1 Great Destroyer
2 First Member of the Convocation
3 Second Member of the Convocation
4 Third of the Convocation
5 Death's Scythe
6 Leader of the Horde
7 Master of Ships
8 Taker of Life
9 Leader of the Hunt
10 Rampager
11 Reaper
12 Master of the Raid
13 Raider
14 Master of the Hunt
15 Hunter
16 Tracker
17 Explorer
18 Leader
19 Follower
20 Brother

SeaKing Goals:

1 Control of the Oceans.
2 Elimination of any Religious Force.
3 Raid all coastal Cities.
4 Elimination of all Heliograph Stations.
5 Complete destruction of one coastal city per year.

Seaking Factional Office:

The Seaking factional office is called the SeaKing Mead Hall...

SeaKing Skills:

NST - Naval Strategy
NAV - Navagation
SEA - Seamenship
NTA - Naval Tactics

SeaKing Special Ship types:

- Here are the new ships added to the game under Midgard USA by Zan E.
[Image: Midgard-Ships-Common.png]
[Image: Midgard-Ships-Buccaneer.png]
[Image: Midgard-Ships-Sea-King.png]
Brother to Brother, for one and all. United we stand, and divided others will fall. Hear my call, and take up your arms with me as we bring Justice to all. Big Grin

Father Morpheus's theme music

Messages In This Thread
The SeaKings Redesign #12 - Naval Barbarian - by DreamWeaver - 12-25-2019, 07:11 PM
RE: The SeaKings #12 - Naval Barbarian - by Davin - 02-17-2020, 12:51 AM

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