12-24-2019, 07:31 PM
I am quite familiar with the SOA, having raised up through the SOA ranks to obtain Rank 5 with the SOA. I was asked to become a SOA senior #4 but had not excepted that honor at the time. Now I had both a standard Land based SOA clans, and a Naval based SOA clan as well.
I really feel everyone should start first as a Independent clan (choose there 10 skills points/level) and then declare for the faction and begin to train in what-ever factional skills they need for their specific factional skills.
SOA<Clan Name>
LDR: CMD-2, STR-2, SGE-2, REC-1
F1: TAC-1
F2: SGW-1
F3: TRK-1
Then spend the next (24) Turns/Cycles and train in the following (+1CMD) for LDR,F1,F2.F3, (+1STR) for the LDR,(+1TAC) for the F!,F2,F3, then followed by (+1SGE) for LDR,F1,F2,F3, then (+1PCB) for the LDR,F1,F2,F3...I would also spend all that time building up the retainers for the clan and using a Special Action per cycle along with the Recruitment. Then the skill set would look like this.
SOA<Clan Name>
LDR: CMD-3, STR-3, SGE-3, REC-2.20, PCB-1
F1: TAC-2, CMD-1, SGE-1, PCB-1
F2: SGW-1, CMD-1, TAC-1, SGE-1, PCB-1
F3: TRK-1, CMD-1, TAC-1, SGE-1, PCB-1
I would then obtain a SOA Speciality Training Regiment, and then train as we go in some other skills that I can learn from the trainers in that regiment. Most likely any of the SOA factional skills with a possibility of some none standard ones like; SGE, SGW, and PCB.
As for the Naval based SOA clan once again I started that clan as a Independent Naval clan choosing my core (10) Skills/points as follows:
<Naval base SOA clan name>
LDR: NST-2, NAV-1, SEA-1, STR-1
F1: NTA-1
F2: NTA-1, SGW-1
F3: NTA-1, REC-1
Then as stated above spend the next (24) Turns/Cycles training in skills, and recruiting retainers, as well as training the clan via the SOA factional office.
<Naval base SOA clan name>
LDR: NST-2, NAV-1, SEA-1, STR-3, CMD-2
F1: NTA-1, CMD-2, TAC-2
F2: NTA-1, SGW-1, CMD-2, TAC-2
F3: NTA-1, REC-1, CMD-2 , TAC-2
I would then try to training continue in +1CMD for LDR,F1,F2,F3, +1NST for LDR, 1NTA for F`1,F2,F3 and so on. Think of this clan as Marines fighting on Land and Sea if need be.
I really feel everyone should start first as a Independent clan (choose there 10 skills points/level) and then declare for the faction and begin to train in what-ever factional skills they need for their specific factional skills.
SOA<Clan Name>
LDR: CMD-2, STR-2, SGE-2, REC-1
F1: TAC-1
F2: SGW-1
F3: TRK-1
Then spend the next (24) Turns/Cycles and train in the following (+1CMD) for LDR,F1,F2.F3, (+1STR) for the LDR,(+1TAC) for the F!,F2,F3, then followed by (+1SGE) for LDR,F1,F2,F3, then (+1PCB) for the LDR,F1,F2,F3...I would also spend all that time building up the retainers for the clan and using a Special Action per cycle along with the Recruitment. Then the skill set would look like this.
SOA<Clan Name>
LDR: CMD-3, STR-3, SGE-3, REC-2.20, PCB-1
F1: TAC-2, CMD-1, SGE-1, PCB-1
F2: SGW-1, CMD-1, TAC-1, SGE-1, PCB-1
F3: TRK-1, CMD-1, TAC-1, SGE-1, PCB-1
I would then obtain a SOA Speciality Training Regiment, and then train as we go in some other skills that I can learn from the trainers in that regiment. Most likely any of the SOA factional skills with a possibility of some none standard ones like; SGE, SGW, and PCB.
As for the Naval based SOA clan once again I started that clan as a Independent Naval clan choosing my core (10) Skills/points as follows:
<Naval base SOA clan name>
LDR: NST-2, NAV-1, SEA-1, STR-1
F1: NTA-1
F2: NTA-1, SGW-1
F3: NTA-1, REC-1
Then as stated above spend the next (24) Turns/Cycles training in skills, and recruiting retainers, as well as training the clan via the SOA factional office.
<Naval base SOA clan name>
LDR: NST-2, NAV-1, SEA-1, STR-3, CMD-2
F1: NTA-1, CMD-2, TAC-2
F2: NTA-1, SGW-1, CMD-2, TAC-2
F3: NTA-1, REC-1, CMD-2 , TAC-2
I would then try to training continue in +1CMD for LDR,F1,F2,F3, +1NST for LDR, 1NTA for F`1,F2,F3 and so on. Think of this clan as Marines fighting on Land and Sea if need be.
Ever dance with the Dark Man, by the pale moon light? If you do risk it, it will be the last time you ever will.