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Issue #19 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine
UPDATE: Not much in the way of progress was made, tonight. I did manage to get the cover artist back on track, though. I really don't want to publish an issue without a front cover. I had actually hoped to finish things up this past weekend, but life doesn't always cooperate fully, for some reason.

Also, tonight, I began to debate with myself over what I had already written for Issue #19. There's also a little bit of stuff still coming in. I got home late, and there were several e-mails in my in-box waiting on me. Not sure if Bernd is planning to send an article in for Issue #19, or not. Bernd must be busy, of late.

When I get too tired, it's hard to function in an editorial/publisher capacity. The next most likely window of opportunity to publish Issue #19 will be this Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed!

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RE: Issue #19 - Suspense & Decision PBM magazine - by GrimFinger - 09-17-2019, 06:23 AM

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