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Planned Series of Articles Pertaining to Specific Games
It is my intention to begin authoring a series of articles on different games. I won't be able to write them all for every issue, and some will come before others, but the first three games that will be featured in this series of articles will be one of the following:

Galac-Tac (by Talisman Games)
DungeonWorld (by Madhouse UK)
PhoenixBSE (by KJC Games)

I suspect that the learning curve for PhoenixBSE will be the biggest of the bunch, and so my inclination is to tackle it third, for article purposes. It really is a toss-up between Galac-Tac and DungeonWorld, as to which is most likely to be featured in the first article in this series. The intention is to eventually have multiple series on different games going in future issues of Suspense & Decision magazine, simultaneously. Now, whether it ultimately works out that way or not is anybody's guess, really.

Let it never be said, though, that I never tried.

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Planned Series of Articles Pertaining to Specific Games - by GrimFinger - 08-28-2019, 04:25 PM

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